
Copy the
FSUIPC_DUMPv2004red.gau (red version)

FSUIPC_DUMPv2004black.gau (black version)


FSUIPC_DUMPv2004gray.gau (gray version)

to the main Gauge folder of fs2004

To install in panel

For red verion

gauge#=FSUIPC_DUMPv2004red!Fuel_Dump, xx,yy,20,19

where # is the next available gauge number eg. 25 and xx, yy are the x,y coordinates.

For gray version

gauge#=FSUIPC_DUMPv2004gray!Fuel_Dump, xx,yy,20,19

where # is the next available gauge number eg. 25 and xx, yy are the x,y coordinates.

For black version

gauge#=FSUIPC_DUMPv2004black!Fuel_Dump, xx,yy,20,19

where # is the next available gauge number eg. 25 and xx, yy are the x,y coordinates.

Very easy to install if you have fs panel studio (shareware)

Happy flights!!

Alejandro Villa