FS2002 - Focke Achgelis Fa-223 Drache Transport Helicopter
Stephan Scholz - February 2005

1.- Unzip "Drach2k2.zip" into a temporary folder
2.- Move the folder "Drache" into the FS2002 Aircraft directory.
3.- Unzip "Gauges.zip" into the FS2002 gauges directory.

The real Focke-Achgelis Fa-223 Drache (Dragon)
In 1938, based on the previous side-by-side tandem-rotor design of the one-man FW-61 helicopter, Focke-Achgelis Flugzeugbau GmbH started development of a substantially larger version with basically the same layout.

In 1939 the prototype came out of the hangar and was tested for 100 hours, tied to the ground, to solve initial problems such as rotor precession, automatic rotor de-coupling to switch to auto-rotation upon engine or transmission failure, as well as rotor blade sensitivity to changes in their angle of attack, which would cause oscillations. Questions related to lift, drag, and turning moments during hover had to be answered in absence of a large wind-tunnel.

At the beginning, this design was named FA-266 Hornisse (Hornet), and intended for use by Lufthansa, but did not come into being. In 1941, however, the Air Ministry became interested in the development of this larger design, placing an order for 100 units of the prototype, renaming it to FA-223 Drache (Dragon).

The winged Dragon, as it was also known, was the first helicopter in history to achieve production status. It was used during World War II, primarily for transport, rescue, and reconnaissance, and operations included rescue and supply missions in the Alps. However, Allied action limited its production to some 20 complete machines. One captured Fa-223 was the first helicopter to cross the English Channel when it was returned to England in September 1945 for post-war evaluation. U.S. forces acquired two others during May 1945.

The FA-223 had good flight characteristics, and was statically and dynamically stable in all axes except the aileron axis. At a cruising speed of 75 Kt, the yoke could be left unattended, as the aileron axis instability which occurred at about 65 Kt would disappear.

In spite of this instability, it was possible to train 26 pilots to fly this helicopter within two and a half and three an a half hours, including flight with upto 40 Kt winds, as well as between the mountains of the Karweldelgebirge.

The Drache was also probably the first helicopter to carry underslung loads, and the first to be equipped with rescue winch. Limited production followed after the war in France and in Czechoslovakia, and the principles were used for some Allied postwar helicopter designs. (Source: Heinz Nowarra, "German Helicopters 1928-1945" (Schiffer).)

The military version had an MG 15 machine gun and two 551-pound bombs, a rescue winch and cradle, a reconnaissance camera, and a 106-gallon auxiliary fuel tank that could be jettisoned.

Built with Abacus Aircraft Factory 99 and animated with Abacus Aircraft Animator (Rotors, fan and rudder).

Construction is based on 3-view drawings, numerous photos and information available on the following Internet pages:

Luftwaffe Resource Group
Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg
U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission

The model has a transparent nose, with top and bottom panel-modules and 4 seats.

The tricycle landing gear is depicted as shown on the photos and detailed side-view drawing. With the helicopter in horizontal position, gear-struts are vertical. However, they appear to slant backwards when on the ground, as the machine stands rather nose-down, the nose gear-strut being shorter than main gear struts to avoid damage to the nose-gear upon landing.

Very nicely balanced and fine-tuned helicopter FD by Christoph Ruhtenberg. Please read his indications in "Pilot´s notes.txt"
Direct importing into FS2002 seems to have worked and FSEdit appears not to have done any harm to the FD, but I can´t guarantee it.

Simple custom panel with old fashioned instruments. The scarce gauges are some standard FS98 gauges and some antique third-party instruments that fit the era quite nicely, but whose origin I have unfortunately lost track of, and whose authors have done a great job creating them.

Default Bell Helicopter 206-B sounds. However, the sounds from the Sikorsky VS300 experimental helicopter VS300.ZIP are recommended.

Span inc. Rotors: 80 ft 5 in
Rotor diam: 40 ft 1 in
Rotor area: 2434 sq ft
Length: 40 ft
Height: 14 ft 4 in
MTOW: 9500 lb
Empty weight: 7000 lb
Payload on hoist: 2820 lb
Powerplants: 1 x 1000 Hp BMW Bramo Fafnier 323-3Q
9 cyl air-cooled radial
Max Speed: 108 kt
Ceiling: 6500 ft
Range: 380 nm with auxiliary tanks
Crew: 2

This aircraft is freeware. No responsibility is taken for any loss or damage incurred directly or indirectly from its use. The original unaltered files may be freely distributed, uploaded, downloaded and shared, on condition that proper credit is maintained, and of course, no financial gain whatsoever is made!

Enjoy it!

Stephan Scholz
scholzrittermann@SoftHome.net February 2005