Denver of the East 4NC9
Lake Norman is in close proximity to the big city activities of Charlotte (only 15 minutes north car drive), two hours from the mountains of western North Carolina and only four hours from the coast. The dam has dynamic spray and adjoining industry. This project lends itself to Runway12 and Lago additions. A map of the state camp ground is included for your adding to this. Scene is based on the terra server.

Simply unzip and put in your addon scenery folder as you normally would for manual install. Start-up FS9 and goto the settings scenery addon page. Then, add scenery name "Denveroftheeast_4NC9" from where you placed its' folder. And, restart FS9 for it to recognize it.

To un-install, repeat, going to scenery addon page and choose delete scenery (Denveroftheeast_4NC9) Then mouse-over and confirm deletion. FS9 will un-do it next time it is started.

Effects Instructions:
Place fx_riverkfalls_lgr.fx and fx_riverkfalls_sml.fx in the main effects folder. Place fx_5.bmp texture into the main effects\texture folder if it's not already there by default FS9.


R Connolly