April 28 2006

Dornier DO-328 - 'Jack Davies Blues'
Repaint Francis F. Silva --------------> airsilvair@yahoo.co.uk -- London England
Original design by Robert Versluys -----> dracosist@cantv.net ---- USA



For FS 2004

This is the complete package of Robert Versluys's beautifully designed Dornier 328.
It is a very easy airplane to fly and, hopefully, pleasant to to look at.

Jack Davies new airline has just purchased 12 of these beauties to criss-cross the skies between Albuquerque and London (with extra large tanks).

If you like the repaint and the airplane model please drop an email line to the REAL author of the aircraft, Robert Versluys, with a word of thanks as I did -- as Robert Versluys says : "If you like this, or any observation, send an email to dracosist@cantv.net" ------- That is Robert's email address.

Final word, if you are brave and good enough... which I am not... try landing this blue beast on BIIS. Then try taking off, full fuel tanks. Do the same with visibility 5 which apparently is common in this airport !!!