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Piper PA-18 Super Cub with Moving Parts and Panel

This version has a new paint job, moving parts, and an updated panel By Aaron Pederson
including an updated bitmap, and a new Narco VOR guage programmed by Andreas Jaros. The
panel text and guage text follow the installation instructions...PLEASE READ THIS INFO
provided by the panel and VOR guage authors, it includes notes on use, and copyright info.
A quick note on Aarons panel. There are many well done Cub panels out there, but as far
as I know, this is the only one for the Super Cub, the others are J-3 panels. Aaron does
an excellent job "aging" his guages for added realism...worth close examination.

The Piper Super Cub gained certification on November 18, 1949. Initally powered by
a Continental C90-12F, improvements over the years resulted in a Lycoming O-320, 150hp in
it's final production form. It continued in production until 1981, when all rights were
sold to WTA Inc. of Lubbock, Texas. A versatile aircraft, suited to many roles, especially
bush flying. Several varients were also constructed for the military, including the L-18,
and L-21...differing mainly in horsepower.

Power: One 150hp Avco Lycoming O-320 flat four.
Max Speed: 113kts
Service Ceiling: 19,000ft
Range: 460 miles
Weight Empty: 983lbs
Gross Weight: 1,750lbs
Wing Span: 35ft 2.5in
Length: 22ft 7in
Height: 6ft 8.5in

Engine Limits: 2,700rpm
Airspeed Limits: Maneuvering...............96mph (83kts)
Max Structural Cruise.....121mph (105kts)
Never Exceed..............153mph (133kts)
Flaps Extended............85mph (74kts)
Fuel Capacity: 36gal
Oil Capacity: 8qts



Unzip the Supermp.zip file in your FS98 aircraft directory. If your zip
program does not support directories, then create a directory called Supermp
in your aircraft directory. Create the usual subdirectories: model, panel,
sound, texture under the Supermp directory. Place the .air and aircraft .cfg
files in the main Supermp directory. Place supermp.mdl and model.cfg files
in your model directory. Panel.cfg, Super_Cub.bmp and Super_Cub_Upper.bmp goes to
the panel directory. Sound.cfg to the sound directory. All .*af files go to the
texture directory. Unzip the gauges.zip file and place all .gau files into your
main FS98 guage folder.

This model is freeware by Bob Wening. Distribute freely, may not be used
for profit. Comments, criticisms welcome at robertw@rconnect.com Enjoy!!


PA-18-150 Panel, Version 2 by Aaron Pederson (aaron@vpmag.com) for Bob Wening's
Moving Parts Super Cub.

This is version two of my Piper Super Cub panel. New to this panel
is an improved bitmap color and a Narco VOR with glide slope, programmed
by Andreas Jaros of the FPDA and designed by me.

This panel was tested in a 17" monitor. The lowest acceptable
resolution for reading the VOR gauge was 800x600 resolution,
and that was pushing it. I recommend you run in 1024x768 resolution
or higher. Sorry if you're not able to do this, but it was not

The last line at the bottom of the panel.cfg file allows for Alain
Capt's GPS to be on the panel. If you have his files installed on
your computer it will show up under the panel. Since the Super
Cub has little panel area, any radios are usually "hung" underneath
the panel. If you don't have his files I recommend you get them
if you're in the market for a good freeware GPS. It's available
at SurClaro.

This panel is freeware. It may NOT be included on ANY CD and distributed
for money. It may NOT be uploaded to a web site that charges money
for access. Otherwise feel free to distribute my panel as long

This panel will not harm your system. If you suspect it has
I take no responsibility.

Thank you very much to Andreas Jaros (read the FPDA readme, please)
for his work. I know he's very busy, and it was very kind of him
to work me into his busy schedule for this project. Thanks, Andi!

Thanks to all you panel designers who've made great panels for FS and inspired
me to make my own!!

Enjoy the panel and Bob's airplane. He did a great job, and it was
fun making a panel to go along with it! If you like my panel please
drop me an email just to say "hi". It's always fun to hear from people
from different parts of the world! If you don't like my work I suppose
you can email me too , but please don't be too mean! :-)

The following gauges are created by the FPDA
The Freeware Panels Design Association


Gauge programming: Andreas Jaros (jaros@bigfoot.com) and Hiroyuki Toyohara (pjamtoyo@geocities.co.jp)
Bitmap design and idea: Aaron Pederson (pedera@rconnect.com)

Copyright Notice:
The work used here is Copyrighted material. The files may not be altered
in any way. If you want to do so you need our written compliance.
These gauges are, and will remain FREEWARE.
ANY commercial use is forbidden.Please do not ask for permission - it will not be granted.
ANY use in freeware works must include this file which must not be modified.
Full credits must be given for use of these gauges in any additional documents which might be available with the freeware work.

The use of these files will not harm your computer in any way. Nevertheless we cannot
guarantee the functionality in all cases. The gauges were tested with
our panels, without problems.

If you have any comments or suggestions , feel free to e-mail us.