************************* Cold-Dark Starting For FS2004 only. **************************
***************************** Updated: June 10th, 2005 *********************************

I'm providing this file because I keep getting asked how to start from cold and dark situations. Well, the files in this folder will allow you to do just that.

You will note that there are two .FLT files named, "FLTSIM.FLT" and "FLTSIM-original.FLT". As you guessed, the one is the modified file for cold and dark starts, and the other is the "original" file in case you want to revert back to the default MSFS starts.

To Install:

Copy and place the new file, "FLTSIM.FLT", in your "Flights\other" folder located in the following directory of fligh simulator:

"Flight Simulator 9\Flights\other\FLTSIM.FLT"

If you want to revert back to the original starts, rename the "FLTSIM-original.FLT" to the default name of "FLTSIM.FLT" and overwrite in the same directory.

The next time you run flight simulator, you will now have all engines off, battery and avionics switched off, fuel in left and right main tanks at 70%, and fuel in the center main tank at 50%. All other tanks have been left unchanged.

To change startup fuel levels, you can change the file extension from ".FLT" to ".txt" and edit the fuel section with a text editor. Once you've finished, change the file extension back to ".FLT" and you're all set.

To run a start with the CRJ:

1) Switch on the battery master power located on the upper left of the overhead.
2) Switch on the avionics master power located on the upper left of the overhead.
3) Turn on the engine ignition switch located on the lower-center of the overhead.
4) Once the ignition is lit, select either the left or the right starter switch; this will initiate the engine start sequence for the respective engine.
5) Watch the N2 gauge and when N2 reaches 17%, turn on the respective fuel boost pump switch located on the upper-middle of the overhead panel. The engine will light at around 20% N2.
6) With the engine running, you may now turn on the respective generator for that engine. Turn on the generator switch located on the upper left of the overhead.
7) Repeat steps 4 thru 6 for the remaining engine. Most CRJ pilots will only taxi on one engine, and just before reaching their departure runway, will fire the last engine prior to taxiing on the runway. Allow a minute or two for temperature run-up.
8) With either one or both engines running, you may select off the master battery until time for the engine power to be cut off.
9) To cut off power to an engine and power down, turn off the respective fuel boost pump.

Hope you find this file enjoyable to use with your new CRJ 12-Pack!

Many happy landings Captain!

Kevin Sparkuhl
Email to: ksparkuhl@sky-decks.com