
Vamp's all black Citation X Carpe Noctem (seize the night)

A repaint of the EagleSoft Development Group Cessna Citation X



*** Textures ONLY *** you must own (or go buy :) this outstanding aircraft

*** Backup any files you need to change ***

This is my first repaint!!!

1)Unzip the files to a directory of your choice. (i like to dl and unzip to my desktop)

2)Goto flightsim folder and right click a texture folder and copy and paste.

3)Rename the folder to texture.X where the X is the next texture folder in the sequence.

4)Move the 3 files you just downloaded (ESDG_X_Nacelle.bmp, ESDG_CitX_Wings.bmp & ESDG_X_Fuse1_S.Bmp) into your new texture folder. overwrite when prompted.

5)Open the Aircraft.cfg file and copy and paste the following:

title=EagleSoft Citation X Standard Black
ui_type=Eaglesoft Citation X Standard
ui_variation=Carpe Noctem
description=The Citation X will climb to 43,000 feet in just 30 minutes at its maximum takeoff weight, lifting you swiftly to transcontinental and transatlantic crossing altitudes. And the Citation X is certified to fly as high as 51,000 feet - where fuel efficiency is optimized and airline traffic is nonexistent. At 600 mph, the Citation X will run the mile in a sizzling six seconds. It covers 3,300 nautical miles in less time than any other business jet. It streaks from LA to New York in under four hours. And it shrinks the New York-to-London flight to under six hours. The Citation X can cross half a dozen time zones without a refueling stop. It combines cruising speeds of Mach .92 with true intercontinental and transatlantic range. The Citation X is no conventional aircraft. No other business aircraft in the world flies so far, so fast, on so little.

Now look at the directions below:

*** The following is copy + pasted from Bob Hayes' repaint guide ***

**Copy and paste this section below the last such section in the aircraft.cfg . After doing that, we will now edit that section to reflect your new repaint:

[fltsim.?] <-----------------------------Enter the number here in the sequence following the last entry, i.e. [fltsim.4]
title=EagleSoft Citation X Standard <------add something to identify your paint,i.e. 'repaint 1'
model=1 <------Enter which aircraft model this paint will be on. (blank for Deluxe, 1 for Standard,2 for Light,3 for Ultralight)
texture=1 <---Enter the texture folder your repaint is in (ie, Texture.1 would have a 1 placed here)
ui_type=Eaglesoft Citation X Standard <----Enter which model it will be found under in the menu
ui_variation=Maroon Grey Ribbon <----Describe you paintjob, i.e. "My repaint"
description=The Citation X will climb to 43,000 feet in just 30 minutes at its maximum takeoff weight, lifting you swiftly to transcontinental and transatlantic crossing altitudes. And the Citation X is certified to fly as high as 51,000 feet - where fuel efficiency is optimized and airline traffic is nonexistent. At 600 mph, the Citation X will run the mile in a sizzling six seconds. It covers 3,300 nautical miles in less time than any other business jet. It streaks from LA to New York in under four hours. And it shrinks the New York-to-London flight to under six hours. The Citation X can cross half a dozen time zones without a refueling stop. It combines cruising speeds of Mach .92 with true intercontinental and transatlantic range. The Citation X is no conventional aircraft. No other business aircraft in the world flies so far, so fast, on so little.

6)Save and go FLYING!!!

**See http://www.eaglesoftdg.com/forum/ for extra help installing addon textures for this aircraft.


Credits & thanks:

Everyone at EagleSoft Development Group -- http://www.eaglesoftdg1.com/Home.htm

Everyone who helped me on the SurClaro.com, SurClaro & eaglesoftdg1.com fourms

.... OH and ME Keith Sabo (Vampyreguy@msn.com) who repainted this baby

If you really like the repaint email my a thank you :)

Legal stuff
By installing the files included in this download you agree to the following:
This repaint may downloaded & uploaded as many times as you'd like anywhere is it legal to do so. You must own a LEGAL copy of EagleSoft Development Group's Cessna Citation X. I assume no responsibilty for any problems these files may cause your hardware and/or software whether real or imagined. The files contained in this download that are made by me are FREEWARE. I will offer limited techinal support via email, upload and/or chat during times of my choice, to the best of my abillity. Any part of these files made by me may be modified in any way, execpt anything after 'Legal stuff' of this README.TXT file which must be included in any redistribution, as long as they are distributed freely and not sold in any way, part and/or form. I reserve the right change the rules of use at anytime without notice.

Copyright Keith Sabo 2004 -- [end doc].