FS2002 WW1 Italian Bomber Caproni Ca.3

One of the most successfull WW1 bombers, designed by Gianni Caproni in 1915. Until 1929, 4,015 units were built. The prototype had rotary 87 Hp Gnome engines. Production began with 100 Hp Fiats, later changing to the more reliable 150 Hp Isotta Fraschini.

Unzip and place the folder "Ca3_2k2" into the FS2002 Aircraft directory.
Unzip and place the gauges into the FS2002 Gauge folder.

The Virtual Caproni Ca.3 model:

Made with Abacus Aircraft Factory 99.

This model is based on detailed information and pictures from the internet page of the US Air Force Museum.

The Caproni features an open pilot´s cockpit and forward gunner well, and has a characteristic, peculiar 3-engined, twin-fuselage layout, with tractor engines on the fuselage booms, and a pusher engine behind the Pilot in the centre fuselage gondola. This central engine was normally switched off when cruising, as it only meant a 10 mph speed reduction, but substantial fuel saving!.

Flight Dynamics by Christoph Ruhtenberg:
Christoph Ruhtenberg´s excellent flight dynamics give the plane a very realistic behaviour, being fine tuned for this particular model.
e-mail: ruchris@nexgo.de

In those days these planes had no flaps, wheel-steering, spoilers or brakes... They didn´t even have any elevator trimm, but for flightsimming this could be a nuisance, so we´ve left it in.

Textures by Udo Entenmann:
Udo Entenman has done an excellent jop preparing the bitmaps and adjusting all the textures on this canvass and wooden aircraft.

The custom panel is a simple wooden one, corresponding to the open cockpit this aircraft had.

The third party vintage gauges I could find, are unfortunately not as ancient as I would have liked... Some gauges are standard FS98, the turn-coordinator and the fuel gauge for example. (the label AIR on it meant the air-pressure in the fuel tanks although the gauge itself tells you how much fuel is left...)

Default Sopwoth Camel sounds, but the GothVsnd.zip custom sounds available for download are recommended, as they have been especially designed for the low RPM level of the engines on this model.

Abacus Aircraft Animator - Props, ailerons, steering wheel-yoke, elevator and rudders.

Technical specifications:
Span: 74 ft 7 in
Length: 36 ft 3 in
MTOW: 8820 lbs
Empty: 5733 lbs
Ceiling: 14,765 ft
Payload: 1764 lbs
Power: 3x150hp Isotta Fraschini V.4B 6-cyl
Range: 372 miles
Endurance: 3 hrs 30 min
Rate of climb: 3281 ft in 8 min

Legal stuff:
This aircraft is freeware, created solely for the enjoyment of the flight simming community. No responsibility is taken for any loss or damage incurred directly or
indirectly from its use. The original unaltered files may be freely distributed, uploaded, downloaded and shared. Please maintain proper credit, of course, and make no financial gain whatsoever.

Enjoy it!

Stephan Scholz

Sep. 2003