To install this aircraft, simply unzip the archive with the option "Use folder names" turned ON in an empty directory.

Then place the directory created (named C150) in FS98's "Aircraft" folder.

Also copy all .gau files (in Gauges folder) in FS98's "Gauges" folder.

Finally, copy all FS98's Cessna 182 sounds in "C150\sound" folder EXCEPT cmflaph.wav, cmflaplp.wav, cmflapt.wav and OF COURSE sound.cfg files

Remark about the panel :

This is a VFR-panel, this means you won't find any NAV Radio, ADF etc...
Nevertheless, you can turn the COM & XPNDR panel ON/OFF by pressing shift+2.

You can also use shift+3 to display the compass.

That's it !!!

Have nice flights !