MESSERSCHMITT--Bf 109 G-6 by Tom Miller
REPAINT of HARTMANN bf109g-6.zip to improve the Heart area.
His Girl was Ursula Paetsch Whom he nicknamed "Usch" which was inside the heart under the canopy and under that was his call sign "Karaya Eins" Sweetheart one.
This plane is painted as Leutnant Eric Hartmann's of 9./jg 52 at Novo Zaporozhe, Soviet Union, Summer of 1942 before he achieved 352 victories. All his work was in the Bf 109 G or K model.The JG 52 Unit was credited with over 10.000 enemy aircraft during the war.
The difference between the G-5 and the G-6 model was that the G-6 model did not have the pressurized cockpit.
Performance- at 6940 lb AUW with the DB 605AM engine----
1475 hp at take off
1355 hp at 18,700 ft
speed - 340 mph at sea level
386 mph at 22,640 ft
service ceiling- 37,890 ft
normal range-- 350 miles at 330 mph
620 miles at 317 mph (with a 66 imp. gal drop tank added)
Armament- Standard- 20 mm through the spinner and the engine block. MG 151/20 nicknamed the "Pneumatic hammer by the allies" and two 13mm Mg 131 with 300 rounds each over the engine firing through the prop.

You need BAO Flight Shop and MS Flight Simulator
Put the Air file into the Pilots or the Sim Directory
and the Texture (.0AF through .9AF) into the texture Directory

The narrow landing gear is dangerous for young pilots . The tendancy for ground loops is great , so keep her straight when landing and on the takeoff roll. She takes off at about 70 mph and will land around 85 mph. The wheels and flaps will help her slow down on landing. If you hit the breaks too hard she may nose over (this is bad for the prop. and your liberty rights) If she seems sluggish on accelleration, you may have the spoilers engaged.(/) They don't seem to have a readout in Prop. plane panels. But they can be made to function.
(L) lights the wing tips for night.
(O) fires the cannon.
(M+-) turns off the engine on the ground to see the prop stop and the canopy open. (M+) turns back on the engine.
(G) toggles landing gear. (somewhat important!)
My thanks to the many grrreat modelers out there for showing the way. Especially,
John Cooper of Ottawa .Ca for his great planes, his help and his exceptional Spitfire Mk 9 .AIR file.
Mike Hill of Melbourne, Australia for his great planes and answering his E-MAIL and my questions.

(S) cycles through the views. Try this:On inside view Hit (W) to toggle the panel off then hit (Shift+ Keypad 5) to see down or nothing in particular. Then hit and hold (Shift + Backspace) to pan up to see the ctrl. panel and inside the cockpit.(Shift +Enter) pans down (This is good for finding the runways or the enemy).
Try the 109-graf.zip if you liked this. Same plane with Hermann Graf paint.

Tom Miller found at STMILLER@NEONT.COM under the nickname of Bilbo Baggins
This is Freeware
I did not give you any bad files.
I don't know what will happen to this zipfile after I post it out there on the web.
Any problems that you encounter are strictly yours and not mine.
Don't sell this plane or use it for profit without my written consent.
That's final. Over and out.