Berliner Joyce OJ-2

The OJ-2 was developed by Berliner Joyce as both a land plane and a sea plane to be catapult launched from US Navy Heavy Cruisers for use as a scout. They were originally delivered with wheels and later converted to floats. In 1934 they were assigned to Cruiser Division Two, VS-5B and Cruiser Division Three, VS-6B. This data is from William Larkin's book, "Battleship and Cruiser Aircraft of the U.S. Navy 1910 - 1949". There is very little data about their success. There are a few photo's and fortunately Paul Matt provided his usual exquisite 3 views which I used as backgrounds for this project.
This is a native FSX Acceleration project developed with FSDS v3.51 and FSDSXTweak v2.81. Both the land based and sea based models are included. The textures are in DXT5.DDS format. The land based model is textured for VS-6B assigned to the USS Concord and the sea plane is textured for VS-5B assigned to the USS Trenton. I have included Mike Hambly's excellent sound file for the P & W R-985 engine. I could not find any pictures of the interior so I based the VC on photo's of similar planes of the same era, notably the Vought O3U-1 and SBU-1. The gauges work and the flight controls are animated. The gauges are backlighted for night ops. I have included a dark red effect for the VC. This is a personal choice so feel free to change it by changing the appropriate entry in the lights section of the aircraft .cfg file.

INSTALLATION: Unzip into a temporary folder. Copy the folders Berliner Joyce OJ-2 and Berliner Joyce OJ-2 Sea into the Airplanes folder of FSX. Open the effects folder and copy the contents into the Effects folder of FSX. Open the gauges folder and copy the contents into the Gauges folder of FSX. That's it.

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may repaint it, make panel modifications and upload to this or another website as long you give me credit for the original design. You need my written permission to use any of these files for commercial purposes. Be advised this project will be uploaded by me to www.SurClaro and If you find it and download from another site, I am not responsible for the integrity of the files.
This airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if you think it causes problems.

Please note I have completed this project to the level of detail necessary to satisfy my own requirements. I offer it as freeware to the flightsim community as is, without warranty, implied or otherwise. If you are not satisfied with the appearance or performance, just delete it.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson
