Thank You everyone for downloading this repaint of mine as well as Downloading the POSKY 747-400.
It has been a pleasure working on it, and I hope you will enjoy flying it.
If you spot any problems with the paint, please let me know, by emailing me!
Special Thanks to Ben Hewitt,Tom Harlaar for helping me out with various miscelanious textures!
Sorry for any confusion :) :P Credit goes to them.

After extracting this ZIP, just move the folder into your aircraft sub-directory, and your done!
It should appear under Boeing > Boeing 747-430 > Lufthansa

In the future look out for a V2 of this paint!As I will be making a few minor changes, to
increase accuracy, in some areas. For now though, it is close enough to not really notice. :)

Thanks for downloading once again!

Happy Flying
Kalo Taxidi :)

Lefteris Sigioltzakis