This file contains the complete panel and gauge files for a late model B-36 "Peacemaker" panel. Models "-D" and later had six reciprocating and four jet engines. Managing the six huge recips was left to the flight engineer, and the gauges for the jet engines were on the pilot's panel.

The bmp files are my original work from photos and bits and pieces from the spare parts box.

These files contain gauge files from many authors. Sincere thanks to them for there excellent work. Flight sim would be very boring without them! I have over 9000 gauge files now, and I can not keep track of the author for each gauge, but I have not used any payware gauges in this panel. I have also tried not to use gauges from authors who prefer not to have their files deseminated. If I have inadvertently done so, please accept my apology and let me know so that I can give you proper credit. Unfortunately the FS 2002 default gauges just do not look right in this panel either, so I had to use gauges from many FS aircraft.

As you can see from the enclosed photos of real B-36 panels, this panel comes very close to the prototype, and certainly has the "feel" of a BIG aircraft. I have put this panel in Rey Lopez's SAC B-36D. For take off, I turn the speakers way up and lumber down the runway like a runaway freight train! I can't imagine what the real Air Force guys felt like as they watched the end of the runway get closer and closer with that much steel behind them. At least with FS it doesn't hurt when you put it in the dirt.


Unzip the "" file into a folder of your choice. Move the "panel" folder into your B-36 folder in Flight Sim. Move the individual gauges to the "gauges" folder in FS2002 (will probably also work in FS 2004). I usually do not recommend overwriting files if they are already present in FS. Tested only in FS2002.

That's all there is to it! Enjoy this great old bomber. If you want to try a re-creation of a cold war mission, remember that this aircraft remained on station for 24 hours or more sometimes. Get the wife to run in Coke and sandwiches for you. I'd also recommend a porta-potty next to your computer.

All my work is public domain, and I am not responsible for any percieved damage to your computer or software.,

John Spangler