**** AUSTER A.O.P.9 ****
by Mike Hill

FS98 VERSION - Jerry Arzedorf has modified the AIR file for FS98.

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The Auster A.O.P.9 (Air Observation Post Mk.9) was the last of a long line
of aircraft produced by the Auster Aircraft Company. Originally the Auster
series stemmed from the Taylorcraft Aviation Company designs in the USA.
In 1938 production facilities were set up in England. In 1946 the Auster
Aircraft Company was formed to produce their own (similar) designs.

The aircraft is a mixture of components and structures, and generally
looks OK and flies rather well.

I would suggest a take-off speed of about 60kts to unstick cleanly, and to
initially climb away at 70-75kts. When approaching the circuit area slow down
to around 75kts and use a dribble of power to keep up speed for a landing at
about 55kts. I recommend one stage of flap for a clean lift off.

Any comments will be appreciated (and answered).

Mike Hill - Australia
INTERNET: mikehill@SurClaro
HOMEPAGE: hhtp://www.SurClaro/mikehill

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