Aryus Works Cessna Citation Excel - Speed Wings Air Charter (HB-VNS)
for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 ACOF

Author: Jeffrey S. Bryner

I am proud to present this detailed repaint of the Aryus Works freeware model of the Cessna Citation Excel, registration HB-VNS, of Speedwings SA. Speedwings is a business jet charter airline based in Geneva Switzerland. Speedwing's fleet consists of four aircraft; this Cessna Citation Excel, a Citation 5 Ultra, and 2 CitationJet CJ2's. As always, I paid attention to painting and creating as realistic a repaint as possible on this work. The textures in this repaint are 32-bit. I hope you enjoy flying this as much as I enjoyed painting it. Oh yes, if you see an unpainted patch on the bottom of the fuselage; I didn't miss it. It cannot be painted.

Installation Instructions:
This is a complete install. The panel and sound are from the default Lear45. Unzip this package directly into your Aircraft folder. It will create a subfolder named \Aryus_C56X_SPW_HB-VNS. When you start FS, look for the new aircraft under the manufacturer Cessna - Aryus Works, a type of Citation Excel and variation of 'Speedwings (HB-VNS)'.

The modified pilot face and pilot jacket textures in this repaint are my work, done out of respect for EagleSoft Development’s Copyright as these textures were released in Aryus Works’ original Excel paintkit and were used without permission from EagleSoft Development. I have replaced them and this notice appears in the texture files Citation_Misc.bmp and Citaion_Misc_2.bmp.

- Aryus Works for the exceptional Cessna Citation Excel model and paintkit,
- Martin Wright for the indispensable DXTBMP utility program,
- All the countless other people like you who make this hobby one of the most enjoyable I know!

This is freeware with the following restrictions.
- You must comply with any terms and conditions established by Aryus Works in their respective license agreements,
- You may not upload this to any website without my expressed permission,
- You may not use any textures (bmp files) in this package that were modified by me in another repaint without my expressed permission,
- You may not sell this package in its entirely or its constituent elements,
- If you do get my permission to use this, you are obligated to post written credit to me and all of the individuals and organizations mentioned in the section "Credits" above.
- If you downloaded this package from a site other than, SurClaro, or .com or otherwise without my permission, you are in direct violation of this license agreement. Do not be confused that "freeware" implies that a work is not protected by terms and conditions placed on it by its author. Freeware simply means the author did not charge you money to license it. But it is still licensed, artistic and intellectual property of the author and subject to his agreement of use and distribution. Asking my permission is a simple task and demonstrates respect for my work.

Keep it free (no payware)!
Jeff Bryner
Home regional airport (KLNS)
Home international airport (KMDT)