GMAX Model. Opening canopies, moving parts, Lights work on runway,
smoke and afterburner effects.
This version makes aircraft to fly Mach 1.35. Very easy for flying and landing.
Very maneuverable for aerobatics at high or low speed
Ideal for Carrier Landing. Water land able.
Aircraft is fully illuminated at night when lights turned on.
Also when lights on afterburner effects turn on.


1.-Unzip anywhere you like different from the aircraft file of fs2002.

2.-Copy the Aircraft, Effects, Gauges and Sound folders that appear when you unzip to
your FS2002 main folder

3.-Go to your aircraft index in 2002 and search for Dassault/Dornier.
AlphaJet-E BAF Aerobatics


Many Thanks to:

1.-Benoit M. Dube and Sonny for allowing me to use their model.

2.-Peter Davies for giving permission to use his wonderful
afterburner effects.

3.-Kaveh Payandeh for his permission on light effects.

Happy Flights!!!

Alejandro Villa