FS2002/FS9 Unreal Aviation "Alien" ball-shaped Airship with a ribbed, back-spinning envelope to improve lift and reduce drag. The ball shape makes it very easy for a ground crew of just one to dock the ship with its mooring pad, a heavy truck and the machine is no more difficult to handle than a tethered balloon.
Controlled entirely by its vectored ducted fans, there are no aerodynamic control surfaces at all and a computer takes care of stability. In light airs, it is possible to position the aircraft with great accuracy making it perfect for holding station over a fixed point or flying tight patterns in a confined area.

Another advantage of the ball shape is strength. She is not as 'pressure limited' as conventional airships and can fly at greater altitudes than most. The ribs also add strength and help to trap a layer of air close to the surface of the envelope and serve the same purpose as dimples on a golf ball.

Two diesel-electric generators provide the energy to spin the ball and power the electric ducted fans.

The downside to the ball shape is the cruise performance is still not as good as a conventionally shaped machine despite the backspin. It would also be complicated and expensive to build....

However, for rescue, surveying and filming it is perfect.


Unzip to a spare folder and drop the Alien folder into your main Aircraft folder. FS9 Users must use the AIR file in the FS9 folder just replace the existing file. This corrects a strong nose-down attitude with full flap that FS2004 insists is correct for all aircraft.

FS 2002 users must move the Unreal folder out of the aircraft's Panel folder into their default Gauges folder. Do not remove the gauge from this folder. If you already have an existing Unreal folder (thank you for downloading my aircraft) then replace it with this one, the contents will just be added.


Important. You MUST cycle through the cockpit views at least once (S key three times) to activate the gauges before you fly otherwise the aircraft will not behave properly.

Start the engines with CTRL E and apply full flap for takeoff.

Flaps vector the thrust and you can hover in a light breeze (FS2002 is vastly superior in this department).

Max cruise is 55 KIAS and she is comfortable at around 35-40.

You can use Auto rudder if you wish but rudder control at low speeds/hover is much better if Auto rudder is off.

Add flaps for landing as required.

She can be landed on water too.

She is not designed to be repainted but you can alter the colours.

That's it, have fun.
Kevin Bryan
Unreal Aviation