*********United Airlines 747-222B/238***************************

Turn on word wrap to view!!!!!!!!!!

This is version 1.0 of my 747-200 collection. I've enhanced the Craig Mosher/Robert Randazzo FSFS 747-100 original with AF99 to give it more 'eye candy'. New features include completely reworked landing gear(features 250+ parts by itself), reworked engine nacelles to be round, 3D textured engine pylon, redone cockpit windows to be more realistic, reworked 3D tailpane(previosly 2D), numerous exterior lights were also added. Here is a list of upcoming liveries:


747-236 G-BDXL Speedstripe c .1990 'City of Westminster' complete
747-236 G-BDXO Paithani 'City of Bath' complete
747-236 G-BDXG Blomsterang 'City of Oxford' complete
747-236 G-BDXD Blue Poole 'City of Plymouth' complete
747-236 G-BDXK Chelsea Rose 'City of Canterbury' complete
747-236 G-BDXC Speedstripe c. 1978 'City of Manchester' complete
747-236 G-BDXO Interim for Paithani 'City of Bath' complete

747-136 G-AWNE Speedstripe c. 1990 'Derwent Water' complete
747-136 G-AWNO Speedstripec. 1982 'Grafham Water' complete
747-136 G-AWNU circa 1980 'Virginia Water' complete
747-136 G-AWNF circa 1977 'Blagdon Lake' complete

747-436 all of them !!!!!!!!!! be patient!!


747-151 old colors
747-251 new colors complete
747-151 NW Orient complete
747-451 new colors in progress
747-251F old + new colors complete


747-200F New Colors
747-200 old colors in progress
747-200 new colors in progress
747-200 'spirit of hong kong' in progress
747-300 old & new colors in progress


747-300 new colors in progress


747-222B 1979 complete
747-238 New Colors complete
747-123 Old Colors complete
747-123 friendship Colors complete

747-422 old + new colors near future

Of course , requests are welcome and appreciated...............

Just unzip files into your FS98 /aircraft directory.!!!
If that doesn't get things working - create a folder inside your FS98 /aircraft directory(i.e. Ba742_1)....then unzip the following files as such.....
- Ba742RR_*.mdl and model.cfg- ->> /Ba742_1/model
- panel.cfg ------------>>> /Ba742_1/panel
- Ba742RR_*.*af ----------->>> /Ba742_1 /texture
- sound.cfg ---------->>> /Ba742_1 /sound
- aircraft.cfg and Ba742RR_* -->>/Ba742_1

Place the model, texture, sound, and panel sub-folders into Ba742_1 (main aircraft folder) which goes into the /aircraft directory of FS98. However, the files SHOULD do this on their own as I've included the relative paths for all files!!!




This aircraft is for private use only !!!

This aircraft is given to the flight simulation communityas freeware, to add to the enjoyment of the flight simulation experience. It may not be sold, repackaged in any way on disk or CD without the express written consent of Neil Cramer. All files contained in this package (textures, model, flight dynamics) are copyrighted and can't be used without written consent.
You MAY upload these files to any site you wish - all I ask is that you give PROPER CREDIT to myself, Craig Mosher and Robert Randazzo. If you would like a copy of the AFX I used please email and I'll happily send you one - again give proper credit when you upload repaints. Enjoy!!!


747-100 AFX original - Craig Mosher
747-100/200 mods - Robert Randazzo
other mods - John Keane and Paul Haak
AF99 rework and paint Neil Cramer
William Roth for AirEd which I recommend to all simmers!
Chuck Dome for TEX2BMP
Project Freeware and Frank Cunningham for the inspiration

author: Neil Cramer cramern@aol.com