//  0408221400  v1.0
//  -{nnn}-  is AIR file ref. Not many needed under fs9 and some values here are set to zero in the '*.air' file
ui_manufacturer=Armstrong Whitworth
ui_type=AW38 "Whitley"
ui_variation=Mk VII
description=Coastal Command patrol aircraft.\nWith ASV. radar.
atc_airline=Air Force

atc_type=Armstrong Whitworth
performance="Cruise speed\n190 mph    165 kts\n\nEngines\nTwo Rolls Royce Merlin X\n\nMaximum range\n1,2,300 nm  with 1,000lb. bombload\n\nService ceiling\n20,000 ft\n\nFuel capacity\n1321 gal.US.	1100 gall.Imp.\n\nEmpty weight\n19,350 lb.\n\nMaximum gross weight\n33,950 lb.	overload\n\nLength\n72.5 ft\n\nWingspan\n84 ft\n\nHeight\n15 ft.\n\nUseful load\n3,500 ~ 4,180lb."

cruise_lift_scalar     = 1.5
parasite_drag_scalar   = 1.0
induced_drag_scalar    = 2.2
elevator_effectiveness = 1.0
aileron_effectiveness  = 0.5	// Reported as very heavy.
rudder_effectiveness   = 1.0
pitch_stability        = 1.0
roll_stability         = 1.2
yaw_stability          = 1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1.0
aileron_trim_effectiveness  = 1.0
rudder_trim_effectiveness   = 1.0
p_factor_on_yaw          = 0.5
torque_on_roll           = 1.0
gyro_precession_on_yaw   = 1.0
gyro_precession_on_pitch = 1.0

max_gross_weight = 33950                        // (pounds)
empty_weight     = 19350                        // (pounds)

reference_datum_position     =  0.00, 0, 0      // (feet) from FSim Ref. pos: (Chord/4,centerline, waterline)
empty_weight_CG_position     =  0.86, 0, 0      // (feet) from specified datum.

max_number_of_stations =10

station_load.0  = "0,   0,  0,   0, "              //Weight, Lat, Lon, Vert Position

;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_pitch_MOI   =  80861		//    -{no entries}-
empty_weight_roll_MOI    =  77277		
empty_weight_yaw_MOI     = 154633		
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0.0         

engine_type = 0                                 //0=Piston.
Engine.0 = 13.0, -9.48, 0.0                     //(ft.) long, lat, vert. dist. from ref. datum
Engine.1 = 13.0,  9.48, 0.0                     
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.0                           //Fuel flow scalar
min_throttle_limit = 0.0                        //Minimum percent throttle.
max_contrail_temperature= -10			// A bit of fun.

[piston_engine]					// -{no entry}-
power_scalar = 1.0                              //Piston power scalar
cylinder_displacement= 137.42                   //Cubic inches per cylinder
compression_ratio= 6.0                          
max_rated_rpm= 3000                             
max_rated_hp= 1101                              //Max rated HP ( Sound effect only )
fuel_metering_type= 1                           // 1=Gravity Carburetor.
cooling_type= 1                                 // 1=Cooling type Liquid.
normalized_starter_torque= 0.06                 //Starter torque factor
turbocharged= 1                                 //Is it turbocharged? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
max_design_mp= 54                               //Max design manifold pressure, (inHg)
min_design_mp= 1                                //Min design manifold pressure, (inHg)
critical_altitude= 13000                        //(ft.)Alt. to which the turbo. will give max. design MP. affects ceiling.
emergency_boost_type= 0  			//0=None.
emergency_boost_mp_offset= 0                    
emergency_boost_gain_offset= 0                  
fuel_air_auto_mixture= 0                        //Automixture available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
auto_ignition= 0                                //Auto-Ignition available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
max_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar= 1.0       
idle_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar= 1.0      
max_rpm_friction_scalar= 1.0                    
idle_rpm_friction_scalar= 0.4                   

[propeller]					// -(no entry}-
thrust_scalar = 1.0                             //Propeller thrust scalar
propeller_type= 0                               //0=Constant Speed
propeller_diameter= 12.7                        //(feet)
propeller_blades= 3                             
propeller_moi= 40.2                             //Propeller moment of inertia
beta_max= 45.0                                  //(degrees)
beta_min= 15.0                                  //(degrees)
min_gov_rpm= 1400                               //Miminum governed RPM
prop_tc= 0.1                                    //Prop time-constant
gear_reduction_ratio= 1.95	                //Propeller gear reduction ratio ~ 2.05 actual
fixed_pitch_beta= 0.0                           //Fixed pitch angle of fixed pitch prop, (degrees)
low_speed_theory_limit= 80.0                    //Speed at which low speed theory becomes blended in (feet/second)
prop_sync_available= 1                          // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_deice_available= 1                         // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_feathering_available= 1                    // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE ( Not implemented yet )
prop_auto_feathering_available= 0               // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
min_rpm_for_feather= 700.0                      //Minimum RPM for prop feathering
beta_feather= 89.5                              //Feathering pitch angle (degrees)
power_absorbed_cf= 0.9                          //Coefficient of friction for power absorbed by propeller in feather
defeathering_accumulators_available= 0          // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE 
prop_reverse_available= 0                       // 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
minimum_on_ground_beta= 0.0                     //Miminum pitch angle on ground, (degrees)
minimum_reverse_beta= 0.0                       //Minimum pitch angle in reverse, (degrees)
feathering_switches = 1                         //Switches which invoke feathering ( Not implemented yet )
rotation= -1,-1

wing_area               = 1232.0                //Square feet   -{no entry}-
wing_span               = 84.0                  //Feet
wing_root_chord         = 14.67                 //Feet, NOT Root -- MAC
wing_dihedral           = 4.0                   //Degrees
wing_incidence          = 8.5                   //Degrees
wing_twist              = -1.0                  //Degrees
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.65                  //Measure of lift effeciency of wing
wing_winglets_flag      = 0                     //Are winglets available?
wing_sweep              = 0.0                   //Degrees,on Mean Average Chord (MAC)
wing_pos_apex_lon       = 3.67                  //Feet, long. dist. of MAC. LE. from reference point, negative going aft
wing_pos_apex_vert      = 0.0                   //Feet, vert. dist. of MAC. LE. from reference point, positive going up

htail_area              = 193.6                 //Square feet  -{no entry}-
htail_span              = 31.44                 //Feet
htail_pos_lon           = -41.28                //Feet, longitudinal distance from reference point, negative going aft
htail_pos_vert          = 3.0                   //Feet, vertical distance from reference point, positive going up
htail_incidence         = 0.1	                // +3.0 Degrees actual
htail_sweep             = 5.0                   //Degrees, on MAC

vtail_area              = 38.0                  //Square feet  -{no entry}-
vtail_span              = 8.58                  //Feet, tip to body
vtail_sweep             = 5.0                   //Degrees, on MAC
vtail_pos_lon           = -44.0                 //Feet, longitudinal distance from reference point, negative going aft
vtail_pos_vert          = 0.0                   //Feet, vertical distance from reference point, positive going up

elevator_area           = 70.39                 //Square feet	-{320}-
aileron_area            = 88.42                 //Square feet
rudder_area             = 56.0                  //Square feet
elevator_up_limit       = 17.0                  //Degrees = 0.30 rad 
elevator_down_limit     = 15.0                  //Degrees = 0.26 rad
aileron_up_limit        = 20.0                  //Degrees = 0.35 rad
aileron_down_limit      = 15.0                  //Degrees = 0.26 rad
rudder_limit            = 30.0                  //Degrees = 0.52 rad
elevator_trim_limit     = 12.0                  //Degrees = 0.21 rad
spoiler_limit           = 0.0                   //Degrees = 0.00 rad
spoilerons_available    = 0                     //Spoilerons Available?
aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 0                   //Aileron to spoileron gain
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 0                 //Degrees
min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0                    //Minimum flap handle position when spoilerons activate

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    =  56.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)
full_flaps_stall_speed  =  50.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed            = 152.0                 //Knots True (KTAS)
max_indicated_speed     = 259.0                 //Red line (KIAS)

//0  Class
//1  Longitudinal Position       (feet)
//2  Lateral Position            (feet)
//3  Vertical Position           (feet)
//4  Impact Damage Threshold     (Feet Per Minute)
//5  Brake Map                   (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
//6  Wheel Radius                (feet)
//7  Steer Angle                 (degrees)
//8  Static Compression          (feet)  (0 if rigid)
//9  Max/Static Compression Ratio
//10 Damping Ratio               (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
//11 Extension Time              (seconds)
//12 Retraction Time             (seconds)
//13 Sound Type

// GEAR.
point.0=1,  -37.38,  0.0, -3.4, 1200.0, 0, 0.6, 180.0, 0.42, 2.5, 0.87,  0.0,  0.0, 0,   0.0,   0.0
point.1=1,    2.70, -9.4, -8.4, 1600.0, 1, 2.1,   0.0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.85,  4.2,  5.2, 2, 152.0, 200.0
point.2=1,    2.70,  9.4, -8.4, 1600.0, 2, 2.1,   0.0, 0.50, 2.5, 0.85,  4.5,  5.8, 3, 152.0, 200.0
point.3=2,  22.2,   0.0,  -1.9,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0 // Nose.
point.4=2, -50.9,   0.0,   0.5,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 // Tail.
point.5=2,   0.0, -42.0,   2.7,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0 // Left.
point.6=2,   0.0,  42.0,   2.7,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0 // Right.
point.7=2,  13.7,  -9.3,  -5.6,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 // L.Prop.
point.8=2,  13.7,  -9.3,  -5.6,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0 // R.Prop.
point.9=2, -44.3,  -7.5,   9.8,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 7, 0.0, 0.0 // L.Fin.
point.10=2,-44.3,   7.5,   9.8,  800.0, 0, 0.00,   0.0, 0.000, 0.0, 0.000,  0.0,  0.0, 8, 0.0, 0.0 // R.Fin.

static_pitch = 7.0
static_cg_height = 8.0
gear_system_type=1      //Hydraulic  -{no entry}-
tailwheel_lock = 0 

gear_warning_available = 1    	//Normal
pct_throttle_limit =   0.1      //Percent throttle that activates warning
flap_limit_idle    =  31.51     //Flap angle that activates warning at idle
flap_limit_power   =  31.51     //Flap angle that activates warning at above idle

parking_brake = 1       		//Parking brake available
toe_brakes_scale = 0.3  		//Brake scalar
differential_braking_scale = 1.0        //Delta on the amount of brake when the rudder pedals deflected

[flaps.0]       					//Trailing Edge Flaps  -{524}-
type             = 1                                    // 1 - tail.
span-outboard    = 0.46                                 // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time   = 7                                    // seconds
flaps-position.0 = 0                                    // degrees = 0.00 rad
flaps-position.1 = 15                                   // degrees = 0.26 rad
flaps-position.2 = 30                                   // degrees = 0.52 rad
flaps-position.3 = 60                                   // degrees = 1.05 rad
damaging-speed   = 152                                  // KIAS
blowout-speed    = 250                                  // KIAS
lift_scalar = 1.0                                       
drag_scalar = 1.5
pitch_scalar= 1.5
system_type = 1                                         // 1=Hydraulic.

max_battery_voltage = 25.2
generator_alternator_voltage = 28.55
max_generator_alternator_amps = 60

number_of_exits = 1
exit_rate.0 = 0.4                               ;Percent per second

eyepoint = 10.4, -0.9, 3.4		// z,x,y.

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3,   2.664, -39.438,  2.595, fx_navredm ,
light.1 = 3,   2.664,  39.453,  2.595, fx_navgrem ,
light.2 = 3, -50.500,   0.000,  1.054, fx_navwhi ,
light.3 = 4,  12.700,   0.000,  1.300, fx_vclight,
light.4 = 5,   2.069, -24.550,  1.306, fx_landing,		// Beam done in FSDS.

//Breakpoint speeds (knots) on the keyboard increments of control surfaces.
//Speed at which the incremenet is reduced to  1/2 and 1/8 respectively.
elevator =200, 1000
aileron  =200, 1000
rudder   =200, 1000

[fuel]     //Long. Lat. Vertical (feet), Usable, Unusable (gallons US.)
LeftTip =  0.0,  -11.0, 0.0, 219.0,  0.0	// == Main    
RightTip=  0.0,   11.0, 0.0, 219.0,  0.0   
LeftAux =  0.0,   -4.8, 0.0, 114.0,  0.0    
RightAux=  0.0,    4.8, 0.0, 114.0,  0.0    
Center1 =  0.0,   0.0,  2.7, 186.0,  0.0
Center2 =  0.0,   0.0, -1.8, 469.0,  0.0	// Extra range tanks in bomb bay.     
fuel_type = 1                                	// 1 = Avgas
number_of_tank_selectors = 2                    

// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1       = 0
Com.1         = 1, 1
Com.2         = 1, 1
Nav.1         = 1, 1, 1		// Not authentic but Autopilot needs G/S
Nav.2         = 1, 1, 0
Adf.1         = 1
Adf.2         = 0
Transponder.1 = 1		// Not authentic but ATC needs this?
Marker.1      = 0

touchdown=fx_tchdwn_s, 1

normal_pressure = 400.0		//PSI
electric_pumps  = 0         	//no electric pumps
engine_map      = 1,1,0,0   	//pumps on Eng1,2

// Vacuum systems  -{1512}-  AIR file entry needed for vacuum selector and gauge.

//1 Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro, 3=Electro-Mag Slaved Compass, 4=Slaved to another
//2 Indicator number of slaving indicator if Type = 4

//Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro
attitude_indicator.0 = 1 

//Type: 0=None, 1=Electric Gyro, 2=Vacuum Gyro



[autopilot]			// -{ 1199 & 1203}- a/c MAY? have had a basic AP.
attitude_indicator =1
yaw_damper_gain = 0.0
default_bank_mode=2     //Default to Heading Hold

ground_bumps_magnitude1=2600            ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1=8900                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_magnitude2=1200            ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2=9100                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude1=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction1=01000                  ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction2=9000                   ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2=75000                     ; in microseconds
crash_duration2=3500000                 ; in microseconds