FS2002 Convair CV-880 Cathay Pacific

A repaint of Rey Lopez' lovely Convair 880 in Cathay Pacific livery as VR-HZA. This aircraft, designed in FSDS2, has reflective bodywork with metal underbelly, wings and engines, transparent cockpit with pilots, opening forward passenger door, two 2D cockpits (jumpseat and captain) and a virtual cockpit.

Cathay Pacific operated the CV-880 between 1962 and 1974, having eight in the fleet at one time.

This repaint, by kind permission of Rey Lopez, is by Mark Beaumont.




Unzip CXCV880G.ZIP directly to your main FS2002 folder. The folder 'Convair CV-880 Cathay Pacific' will be installed in your FS2002/AIRCRAFT folder.


After unzipping, open the 'Aircraft' folder and manually move the folder 'Convair CV-880 Cathay Pacific', with all its contents, to your FS2002/AIRCRAFT folder.

Whichever way you do it, your new aircraft will appear in your FS2002 aircraft selection menu under the manufacturer 'Convair' type 'CV-880', variation 'Cathay Pacific'.

There are no gauges to install, as Rey's rudimentary panels use default 737 equipment. Alternative panels are available at major flight simulation sites and his forthcoming payware panels for this aircraft will be more detailed.


Within the aircraft's folder, there is a second 'texture' folder named 'texture.BK'. The textures within are saved without reflective mapping. With some aircraft, there is a tradeoff between resolution and reflection, because of the addition of an alpha channel; you may find these alternative textures sharper than the default ones if reflections are not important to you. In other words, replace the default textures with these if you so wish. It is suggested that you back up the originals first, though, in case you wish to revert.

Note that reflections will not be seen, in any case, unless enabled in FS2002.


Visit my site at:


to find other Cathay Pacific aircraft and add-ons for FS2002.

Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumont

3rd March 2003
