0=&Take-off, Take-off Checklist
1=&General Flight, General Flight Checklist
2=&Approach and Landing, Approach and Landing Checklist

0=Flaps in take-off position, 1st notch
1=Gradually apply full power
2=Tail rises: 90 kph 
3=Lift off: 140 kph
4=Retract flaps: >173 kph
5=Retract undercarriage: >240 kph

0= Fastest climb: 225 kph
1= Steepest climb: 170 kph
2= Max level flight: 365 kph
3= Never exceed: 450 Kph
4= Fastest cruise: 364 kph
5= Normal cruise: 335 kph
6= Eco cruise: 320 kph
7= Clean stall: 118 kph
8= Dirty stall: 111 kph
9= Descent: 280 kph

0=Approach: 240 kph
1=Lower landing gear <250 kph
2=<195 kph, Flaps, in take-off position, 1st notch
3=<175 kph, Flaps in landing position, 2nd notch
4=Slow down to 160 kph
5=Final approach: 140 kph
6=Engines: idle
7=Touchdown Speed: 107 kph
8=Gently apply brakes
9=Steer with engines