
performance=Maximum Speed\t25 kts\nCruise Speed\t20 kts\nMaximum Range\t8,000 nm\nService Ceiling\t0 ft\nFuel Capacity\t12,500 barrels\nMax Gross Weight\t20 million lbs\nSeating\t\t81\nUseful Load\t18 million lbs\n

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed                   = 040
full_flaps_stall_speed                 = 000
cruise_speed                           = 020
max_indicated_speed                    = 040
max_mach                               = 0.10
max_gross_weight                       = 875000
empty_weight                           = 401100
reference_datum_position               = 0,0,0  ;ZXY distance from FlightSim Reference
empty_weight_CG_position               = 0,0,0  ;ZXY distance from specified datum
max_number_of_stations                 = 10
station_load.0                         = 40000, 0,0,0 ;Payload  Weight, ZXY position from datum
;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_pitch_MOI                 = 96304110 ;originally 24223159 
empty_weight_roll_MOI                  = 15352310 ;computed as 672647
empty_weight_yaw_MOI                   = 32167308 ;originally 39531785
empty_weight_coupled_MOI               = 0

; 0 Class (0=floats)
; 1 Longitudinal Position (feet) [BIGGER = SLOWER WAVE MOTION + NOSE PLOWS]
; 2 Lateral Position (feet) [BIGGER CREATES VIBRATION]
; 3 Vertical Position (feet) [MORE POSITIVE = LOWER]
; 4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute)
; 5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right) [N/A]
; 6 Wheel Radius (feet)
; 7 Steer Angle (degrees) [CHANGE THIS TO MAKE SHIP TURN FASTER]
; 8 Static Compression (feet) (0=rigid) 
; 9 Max/Static Compression Ratio
;10 Damping Ratio/Water Rudder Effectiveness (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
;11 Extension Time (seconds) [N/A TO FIXED GEAR]
;12 Retraction Time (seconds) [N/A TO FIXED GEAR]
;13 Sound Type [WATER SOUND?]
;14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS) [N/A TO FIXED GEAR]
;15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS) [N/A TO FIXED GEAR]
;       0   1   2     3     4  5  6   7    8     9    10  11  12 13  14  15
;       0   Z   X     Y   FPM BM WR  SA   SC   Max    DR  ET  RT SND RL  GD
point.0=4, 40,-4.5, -3.5, 9999, 0, 1, 22, 0.9, 15.5, 0.65, 00, 00, 2, 00, 00
point.1=4, 40, 4.5, -3.5, 9999, 0, 1, 22, 0.9, 15.5, 0.65, 00, 00, 3, 00, 00
point.2=4,-40,-4.5, -3.5, 9999, 0, 1, 17, 0.9, 15.5, 0.65, 00, 00, 2, 00, 00
point.3=4,-40, 4.5, -3.5, 9999, 0, 1, 17, 0.9, 15.5, 0.65, 00, 00, 3, 00, 00
point.4=1, 0, 0, -4.0, 9999, 0, 1, 00, 14.2, 15.5, 0.65, 05, 05, 3, 00, 00 ;FOR HORN
static_pitch                           = 0.0
static_cg_height                       = 4.0   ;[MUST BE POS #, OR FLIES INTO SPACE]
gear_system_type                       = 0     ;Hydraulic [FOR HORN]

eyepoint=-6.20, -2.3, 2.8

;ZXY distance from reference datum (feet)
eyepoint=21.300, 0.000, 10.000     //bridge   

;type, Z, X, Y, effect
;Light types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 
;---internal (bridge)
//light.1 = 4,   68.000,  0.000, 35.000, fx_navred ;night light
light.2 = 3,   20.300,-02.500, 05.400, fx_navredh ;bridge left
light.3 = 3,   20.300, 02.500, 05.400, fx_navgreh ;bridge right
wake = fx_wake
water = fx_sprayZapoc 


;Press "I" to activate                    Y-not work, Z, X
smoke.0=0, 40.0, -10.400, fx_ApoC_purpleHaZe
//smoke.1 =    0.00, 0.0,-5.00, fx_spray1.fx ;bow
//smoke.2 =    0.00, 0.0, 5.00, fx_spray1.fx ;bow
//smoke.3 =    0.00, 0.0, 0.00, fx_wakeRJapoc.fx ;bow

cruise_lift_scalar                     = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
parasite_drag_scalar                   = 1.000
induced_drag_scalar                    = 1.000
elevator_effectiveness                 = 6.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
aileron_effectiveness                  = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
rudder_effectiveness                   = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
pitch_stability                        = 1.000
roll_stability                         = 1.000
yaw_stability                          = 1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness            = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
aileron_trim_effectiveness             = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0
rudder_trim_effectiveness              = 1.000  ;changed from 1 to 0

wing_area                              = 5825.0 ;Square feet
wing_span                              = 211.4
wing_root_chord                        = 48.8
wing_dihedral                          = 7.0    ;Degrees
wing_incidence                         = 2.0    ;Degrees
wing_twist                             = -1.0   ;Degrees
oswald_efficiency_factor               = 0.68   ;Measure of lift effeciency of wing
wing_winglets_flag                     = 1      ;Are winglets available?
wing_sweep                             = 37.5   ;Degrees, wing leading edge
wing_pos_apex_lon                      = -68.2  ;Z distance from ref point
wing_pos_apex_vert                     = 0      ;Y distance from ref point
htail_area                             = 1470   ;Square feet
htail_span                             = 72.8
htail_pos_lon                          = -210.0 ;Z distance from ref point
htail_pos_vert                         = 0.0    ;Y distance from ref point
htail_incidence                        = 0.0    ;Degrees
htail_sweep                            = 37.5   ;horizontal tail leading edge
vtail_area                             = 1060   ;Square feet
vtail_span                             = 37.1   ;tip to body
vtail_sweep                            = 45.0   ;Degrees, vertical tail leading edge
vtail_pos_lon                          = -198.5 ;Z distance from ref point
vtail_pos_vert                         = 26.1   ;Y from ref point
elevator_area                          = 327    ;Square feet
aileron_area                           = 225    ;Square feet
rudder_area                            = 230    ;Square feet
elevator_up_limit                      = 25     ;Degrees
elevator_down_limit                    = 15     ;Degrees
aileron_up_limit                       = 25     ;Degrees
aileron_down_limit                     = 15     ;Degrees
rudder_limit                           = 31.5   ;Degrees
elevator_trim_limit                    = 20     ;Degrees
spoiler_limit                          = 45     ;Degrees
spoilerons_available                   = 1      ;Spoilerons Available?
aileron_to_spoileron_gain              = 3      ;Aileron to spoileron gain
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons            = 10     ;Degrees
min_flaps_for_spoilerons               = 0      ;Minimum flap handle position when spoilerons activate

;type                                   = 0

type                                   = 1      ;(1 - tail)
span-outboard                          = 0.8    ;0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time                         = 2      ;seconds
flaps-position.0                       = 0      ;degrees
flaps-position.1                       = 1      ;degrees
damaging-speed                         = 120    ;KIAS
blowout-speed                          = 150    ;KIAS
lift_scalar                            = 0.0
drag_scalar                            = 0.0
pitch_scalar                           = 0.0
system_type                            = 1      ;(0=Electric)

engine_type                            = 1      ;1=Jet
Engine.0                               = -100,-10,0  ;ZXY
Engine.1                               = -100,10, 0  ;ZXY 
distance from ref datum
fuel_flow_scalar                       = 1.0    ;Scalar for fuel flow efficiency
min_throttle_limit                     = -0.25  ;neg for turbine reverser

fuel_flow_gain                         = 0.0019  ;Gain on fuel flow
inlet_area                             = 24.0   ;Square Feet, engine nacelle inlet area
rated_N2_rpm                           = 24020  ;RPM, 2nd stage compressor rated value
static_thrust                          = 400000 ;Lbs, max rated static thrust at SL
afterburner_available                  = 0      ;Afterburner available?
reverser_available                     = 1      ;Thrust reverser available?

thrust_scalar                          = 1.0

Center1                                = 0,0,0,50000,10 ;ZXY  GAL  MIN
fuel_type                              = 2      ;2 = JetA
number_of_tank_selectors               = 1                    
electric_pump                          = 1

electric_always_available              = 1

// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1       = 1
Com.1         = 1, 0
Com.2         = 1, 0
Nav.1         = 1, 0, 1
Nav.2         = 1, 0, 1
Adf.1         = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1      = 1

gear_warning_available                 = 0

parking_brake                          = 0     ;Parking brake not available
toe_brakes_scale                       = 0     ;Brake scalar

normal_pressure                        = 3000  ;PSI
electric_pumps                         = 0     ;no electric pumps
engine_map                             = 1,0,0,0   ;pumps on Eng1

vertical_speed_time_constant           = 1
;Increasing this value will cause a more instantaneous reaction in the VSI

direction_indicator.0                  = 3,0     ;3=Electro-Mag Slaved Compass, 0=NA

attitude_indicator.0                   = 0       ;0=None

turn_indicator.0                       = 1,0     ;1=Electric Gyro

type                                   = 0

exit_rate.0=0.05	 				;Percent per second

autopilot_available= 1
flight_director_available= 1
default_vertical_speed= 1000.0
autothrottle_max_rpm = 90
yaw_damper_gain = 0.0

;Breakpoint speeds (knots) on the keyboard increments of control surfaces.
;Speed at which the incremenet is reduced to  1/2 and 1/8 respectively.
elevator                               = 150, 250
aileron                                = 150, 250
rudder                                 = 150, 250

;revised to eliminate bumps
gear_bump_nose_magnitude               = 3000    ;0 - 10000
gear_bump_nose_direction               = 18000   ;0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_nose_duration                = 250000  ;in microseconds
gear_bump_left_magnitude               = 2700    ;0 - 10000
gear_bump_left_direction               = 35500   ;0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_left_duration                = 250000  ;in microseconds
gear_bump_right_magnitude              = 2700    ;0 - 10000
gear_bump_right_direction              = 00500   ;0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_right_duration               = 250000  ;in microseconds
ground_bumps_magnitude1                = 1300    ;0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1                    = 08900   ;0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_intercept1                = 3.0
ground_bumps_slope1                    = 0.20
ground_bumps_magnitude2                = 200     ;0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2                    = 09100   ;0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_intercept2                = 1.075
ground_bumps_slope2                    = 0.035
crash_magnitude1                       = 10000   ;0 - 10000
crash_direction1                       = 01000   ;0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2                       = 10000   ;0 - 10000
crash_direction2                       = 9000    ;0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2                          = 75000   ;in microseconds
crash_duration2                        = 2500000 ;in microseconds