FS2004 - AI - DC-80-70s - MGM Air, Trans International, World Airways. Original model by Dee Waldron. Repaint by Jim Waters

For placement, re-compile TrafficTools by Lee Swordy.
Alter the aircraft file IN THE TRAFFICTOOLS program to include
these files with aircraft DC-8-70 and DC-8-70 Paint1 and DC-8-70 Paint2 and recompile.

To repaint, freeware program DXTBMP can be used to convert extended bitmaps,
unavailable for edit by MS Paint, to a regular bitmap which can
be edited by MS Paint.

I reccomend freeware "Photo-Plus" for
more difficult re-painting (*remember to "export" file and
reply "no" to "save" prompt). "Photo-Plus" allows for
airbrushing, smudging, and re-paint and is an adequate
advanced photo-retouch and art program, available on the
net as a free demo version - distributed by SERIF systems.

Once you have the bitmap ready, convert it back to "extended" image
using again, freeware program DXTBMP and test to see that
textures are as desired.