title = Antonov An-72
sim = Antonov An-72
model =
panel = 
sound =
texture =
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists = CheckList_Antonov_An-72.txt
kb_reference =
ui_manufacturer = Antonov
ui_type = An-72
ui_variation = 
description = Tactical airlift with STOL capacities\n samdim@chez.com

atc_type = ANTONOV
atc_model = An-72
editable = 0
performance = Length 26.58m, Wingspan 25.83m, Height 8.24m\n Cruise speed 447mph (720km/h)\n 2 Lotarev D-36 Engines 63.74kN per engine\n Max range 3800km\n Ceiling 24300ft (8000m)\n Max payload 7500kg

vertical_speed_time_constant = 2

max_gross_weight = 76060
empty_weight = 42000

reference_datum_position = 3, 0, 0
empty_weight_CG_position  = -4, 0, 1
CG_forward_limit = 0
CG_aft_limit = 1

max_number_of_stations = 4
station_load.0 = 200, 20.58, -1.6, 0, // Pilot Weight (lbs), longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet)
station_load.1 = 200, 20.58, 1.6, 0, // Co-Pilot
station_load.2 = 200, 18.98, 0, 0, // Flight Engineer
station_load.3 = 200, 18.28, -2.57, 0, // Navigator

empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 411166
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 220300
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 668693
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0

cruise_lift_scalar = 1
parasite_drag_scalar = 1
induced_drag_scalar = 1
elevator_effectiveness = 1
aileron_effectiveness = 1
rudder_effectiveness = 1
pitch_stability = 1
roll_stability = 1
yaw_stability = 1
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1

engine_type = 1
Engine.0 = 0.28, -8.15, 3.0
Engine.1 = 0.28, 8.15, 3.0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1

fuel_flow_gain = 0.002
inlet_area = 4.24
rated_N2_rpm = 14170
static_thrust = 14330
afterburner_available = 0
reverser_available = 1

thrust_scalar = 1

max_number_of_points = 9
point.0 = 1, 17.21, 0, -8.0, 1400, 0, 1.29, 60, 0.5, 1.5, 0.9, 8, 10, 0, 202, 237
point.1 = 1, -7.43, -6.96, -8.0, 1850, 1, 1.68, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 0.8, 8, 10, 2, 202, 237
point.2 = 1, -7.43, 6.96, -8.0, 1850, 2, 1.68, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 0.8, 8, 10, 3, 202, 237
point.3 = 1, -11.69, -6.96, -8.0, 1850, 1, 1.68, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 0.8, 8, 10, 2
point.4 = 1, -11.69, 6.96, -8.0, 1850, 2, 1.68, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 0.8, 8, 10, 3
point.5 = 2, -15.14, -52.33, 2.5, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5
point.6 = 2, -15.14, 52.33, 2.5, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6
point.7 = 2, -63.46, 0, 19.24, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9
point.8 = 2, 29, 0, -1.51, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4

static_pitch= 0
static_cg_height= 8.0

eyepoint= 19.58, -1.6, 2.3

[flaps.0]       //Outboard Trailing Edge Flaps
type = 1						// 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard = 0.36
extending-time = 12
flaps-position.0 = 0
flaps-position.1 = 15, 200
flaps-position.2 = 30, 175
flaps-position.3 = 45, 150
damaging-speed = 237
blowout-speed = 264
system_type = 0                                         //Electric
lift_scalar = 1
drag_scalar = 1
pitch_scalar = 1

[flaps.1]       //Inboard Trailing Edge Flaps
type = 1						// 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard = 0.22
extending-time = 12
flaps-position.0 = 0
flaps-position.1 = 0
flaps-position.2 = 15, 200
flaps-position.3 = 30, 175
damaging-speed = 237
blowout-speed = 264
system_type = 0                                         //Electric
lift_scalar = 1.1
drag_scalar = 1
pitch_scalar = 1

[flaps.2]       //Inboard Leading Edge Flaps
type=2                                    // 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard=0.8                                  // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time=10                                    // seconds
flaps-position.0=0                                    // 
flaps-position.1=1.0                                  // bylo 1.0
damaging-speed=240                                  // KIAS
blowout-speed=270                                  // KIAS
system_type=0                                         //Electric

[flaps.3]       //Outboard Leading Edge Slat
type=2                                    // 1 - tail, 2 - lead
span-outboard=0.8                                  // 0.0 .. 1.0
extending-time=3                                    // seconds
flaps-position.0=0                                    // 
flaps-position.2=0.5                                  // bylo 0.5
flaps-position.3=1.0                                  // bylo 1.0
damaging-speed=240                                  // KIAS
blowout-speed=270                                  // KIAS
system_type=0                                         //Electric

max_battery_voltage = 24
generator_alternator_voltage = 28
max_generator_alternator_amps = 160
electric_always_available = 1

flap_motor = 0, 5, 17
gear_motor = 0, 5, 17
autopilot = 0, 5, 17
avionics_bus = 0, 10, 17
avionics = 1, 5, 17
pitot_heat = 0, 2, 17
additional_system = 0, 20, 17
marker_beacon = 1, 2, 17
gear_warning = 0, 2, 17
fuel_pump = 0, 5, 17
starter1 = 0, 20, 17
starter2 = 0, 20, 17
light_nav = 0, 5, 17
light_beacon = 0, 5, 17
light_landing = 0, 5, 17
light_taxi = 0, 5, 17
light_strobe = 0, 5, 17
light_panel = 0, 5, 17
prop_sync = 0, 15, 17
auto_feather = 0, 15, 17
auto_brakes = 0, 15, 17
standby_vacuum = 0, 15, 17
hydraulic_pump = 0, 2, 17
fuel_transfer_pump = 0, 5, 17
propeller_deice = 0, 5, 17
light_recognition = 0, 5, 17
light_wing = 0, 5, 17
light_logo = 0, 5, 17

// Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Com.1=1, 1
Com.2=1, 1
Nav.1=1, 1, 1
Nav.2=1, 1, 1

panel = -3, 0.35, -0.8, fx_vclight

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -12.15,-51.6, 2.47, fx_navredh ,
light.1 = 3, -12.15, 51.6, 2.47, fx_navgreh ,
light.2 = 2, -12.15,-51.6, 2.47, fx_strobeh ,
light.3 = 2, -12.15, 51.6, 2.47, fx_strobeh ,
light.4 = 3, -51.65,  0.00, 6.06, fx_navwhih ,
light.5 = 1, -3.868,   -3.12, -5.08, fx_beacon ,
light.6 = 1, -45.96, 0, 20.08, fx_beacon ,

elevator = 350, 500
aileron  = 450, 1000
rudder   = 200, 1000

[direction_indicators] //1 Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro, 3=Electro-Mag Slaved Compass, 4=Slaved to another
//2 Indicator number of slaving indicator if Type=4
direction_indicator.0 = 2, 0

number_of_exits = 2
exit_rate.0 = 0.4
exit_rate.1 = 0.15

touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1

autopilot_available= 1
flight_director_available= 0
default_vertical_speed= 1500.000
autothrottle_available= 1
autothrottle_arming_required= 0
autothrottle_takeoff_ga= 0
autothrottle_max_rpm= 90.000
pitch_takeoff_ga= 8.000
use_no_default_pitch = 1 // 0 = Default to current pitch mode, 1 = No default pitch mode.
use_no_default_bank = 1 // 0 = Default to Wing Leveler mode, 1 = No default bank mode.

LeftMain = -3, -13.21, 6.3, 1800,  0
RightMain = -3, 13.21, 6.3, 1800,  0
LeftAux = 0, -4.34, -3.28, 362,  0
RightAux = 0, 4.34, -3.28, 362,  0
fuel_type =  2
number_of_tank_selectors = 1

wing_area = 1062
wing_span = 104.67
wing_root_chord = 10.15
wing_dihedral = -3.6
wing_incidence = 2.4
wing_twist = -1
oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.877
wing_winglets_flag = 0
wing_sweep  = 17
wing_pos_apex_lon = 6.98
wing_pos_apex_vert = 6.29
htail_area = 381.3
htail_span = 33.3
htail_pos_lon = -48
htail_pos_vert = 19.86
htail_incidence = -1.0
htail_sweep = 24
vtail_area = 171.7
vtail_span = 11.8
vtail_sweep = 35
vtail_pos_lon  = -41
vtail_pos_vert = 13.3
elevator_area = 75.3
aileron_area = 85
rudder_area = 56.8
elevator_up_limit = 30
elevator_down_limit = 20
aileron_up_limit = 15
aileron_down_limit = 15
rudder_limit = 30
elevator_trim_limit = 18
spoiler_limit = 45
spoilerons_available=0                     //Spoilerons Available?
aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3                   //Aileron to spoileron gain
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=100                //Degrees
min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0                    //Minimum flap handle position when spoilerons activate

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    = 125.0
full_flaps_stall_speed  = 82.0
cruise_speed            = 304

 gear_bump_nose_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_nose_direction = 18000
gear_bump_nose_duration = 250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_left_direction = 35500
gear_bump_left_duration = 250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude = 6000
gear_bump_right_direction = 500
gear_bump_right_duration = 250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1 = 3250
ground_bumps_angle1 = 8900
ground_bumps_intercept1 = 5
ground_bumps_slope1 = 0.48
ground_bumps_magnitude2 = 750
ground_bumps_angle2 = 9100
ground_bumps_intercept2 = 0.075
ground_bumps_slope2 = 1
crash_magnitude1 = 10000
crash_direction1 = 1000
crash_magnitude2 = 10000
crash_direction2 = 9000
crash_period2 = 75000
crash_duration2 = 2500000