A320 FMC routes - AIRAC 0210 - 0212 - Version 1.0

-------------WHAT YOU'VE GOT----------------

This is for all users of PSS A320 series.

You find here 376 flightplans for your FMC/MCDU I made for myself to make flying easier. -)
As I am from Germany the fligtplans connect Germany with the world - they all are German domestic or
international flightplans. I hope they will make even your flying easier now. -))


Simply copy+paste with your epxlorer the contents of PSS\Airbus A3XX ( all files with extension ".afp" )
into your PSS\Airbus A3XX folder.

----------------HOW TO USE-------------------

The names of all routes follow the IATA codes e.g. FRA = Frankfurt Main Intl. as most companies use IATA codes.
Each route name consists of the IATA code for departure and IATA code for destination airport connected
without a space. Added is a number as designator to define different routes concerning the same
departure and destination.
All routes are valid concerning the stated AIRAC cycle. Only the green and blue printed routes are
included into the database. If it occurs that a name of a route is printed black – then it is currently
not in the database. You can add it for yourself, for it is nevertheless a valid routing.

Simply type e.g. FRACGN1 on the scratchpad and fill it into CO ROUTE. Click insert. There you are.
You need to add the SID and STAR to the flightplans during preflight preparations regarding to
the active runways in use.
For orientation: the first waypoint of all flightplans is always the last waypoint of a SID, and the
last waypoint of the flightplan is always the first waypoint of the STAR.


This means a DKB-SID and a WLD-STAR connected by the airway T104. Easy, isn't it ? -))


Sometimes you will find not the correct runways for your departure airport but strange ones displayed
in the MCDU when one of these flightplans is loaded.
For remedy I STRONGLY RECOMMEND to run FlightPlanUpdater after installing my flightplans to your
PSS\Airbus A3XX folder. Afterwards this problem is fixed.
You can find this tiny tool for free dowload at PSS homepage: http://www.phoenix-simulation.co.uk/


The doc-file lists all included routes. You can use it for reference when looking for an route - or even
for programming other FMC/MCDU of other aircrafts.....-)))

For more routes please refer to Richard Stefan's outstanding NAVData homepage http://www.navdata.at/
There you can find more of my flightplans and even the latest AIRAC-updates for your FMC/MCDU !

Thank you Richard Stefan ! And of course many thanks go to Phoenix Simulation Software for the best
aircraft there is in FS2002 !!! A genius A320 !! -))

I will not give support on the PSS A320 itself ! For such support and further and all info on the A320
and "how to...." please refer to PSS homepage http://www.phoenix-simulation.co.uk/
There you can find even a forum for users.

Have fun !

Happy landings !


JAN 2003