Porsche 911 GT2 from the year 1998. 3D-model and basic textures made by Jessy Corrales. Visit also his webside with more groundvehicles:

Photographical 2-d panel, original Porsche racingsound and 2 sets of repainted textures by Erwin Welker.


Just copy the unzipped 911GT2cw files into the aircraft folder of your FS2002 or FS2004 main directory
Copy the 2 gauges into the gaugesfolder of the FS2002 or FS2004 main directory - or only FS2004 users: directly into the panelfolder of the Porsche


This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it on your own risk.


Many thanks to Jessy Corrales, who has built the Porsche (I was already searching for a Porsche for a certain time). He gave me his permission to to upload my repainted versions at SurClaro and at .com.
Thanks to the unknown person, who made the car gauges, matching 100 % the Porsche gauges.


Legal Information:

***Copywrited 23 December 2004***

It is prohibited to make this addon into a commercial product nor include it as a part of any commercial product whatsoever without my authorization. It is also prohibited to claim this addon, or any part of it made by me, as your own.

If you plan to re-upload this addon to another download site that relates to the Flight Simulator community, the addon must remain as FREEWARE and it must be labeled as FREEWARE as well and you notify me prior to doing it so that I can be aware. If you upload the addon in its altered state [either as a whole or part of it], it must still remain as FREEWARE and you must notify me prior to re-uploading it so that I can be aware. Either case, credit for the original work goes to me and to those who helped complete the original work. Failure to comply will result in immediate legal action.


Jessy Corrales:

Erwin welker:

16 September 2007