-- RADAR gauge for FS2002 --
-- Copyright (C) 2002 Eric Marciano --
-- and Jorge Salas --

* The Radar gauge:
This is a completely new radar gauge. It requires Pete Downson's FSUIPC version 2.83 or higher.
It works with the traffic information provided by FSUIPC. It shows all the surrounding aircrafts
managed by FS2002 AI. You can select an aircraft (your target) by clicking it. The radar will
then show information about the target:
- ID (Tail number of flight name)
- Speed (ground speed)
- Altitude in FL (ASL)
- Vertical speed (in feet/minute)
- Distance
The radar has 3 modes and adjustable range. For more information, please refer to Radar_doc.gif.

Note: To have the best information display, I suggest that you configure FSUIPC to display only
the tail number as target ID. To do this, edit FSUIPC.ini (located in your 'Modules'
directory) and change the line TCASid=... to TCASid=Tail

* The cpt.icons.CAB gauge:
This is a brand new XML gauge which I made based on the simicons gauge. It has most
of the common toggles, and some less frequently used ones which come in handy
when you're trying to add additional windows to a panel, but have run out
of IDENTS and buttons.
The GIF file in the EXTRAS folder shows you what they look like, what the IDENT is
and what the gauge extraction syntax is. NONE of this is relevant to installing
the RADAR gauge. This information is for panel designers who wish to use the gauge
in their own panels. (Some bitmaps are based on original bitmaps by Robert K. Guy
and all due credit is given to him here for them.)

The included files have been tested and have been determined not to be harmful.
However, the author is not responsible for any direct, consequential or indirect
damage these files may cause to you and your computer. Use entirely at your own risk.

This is FREEWARE. These files are strictly for your own personal, non-commercial use.
Any redistribution, repackaging or reselling of these files in any form is expressly
prohibited without written permission.

The Radar and HUD gauges must not be used in any other panel without permission.
The cpt.icons.CAB gauge can be freely used on any panels, but credit must be
given in the documentation to Jorge Salas.

Eric Marciano - RADAR Gauge Programming
e-mail: emarciano@free.fr