FS2004 - 2-D panel for MD-80. Includes PAX info option.
Jim Waters
Gauges are default or freeware gauges from various designers.


To install:

Unzip PANEL to the aircraft file. If you have more than 1 panel,
renamed "Panel" to "Panel.X" where X is corresponds to the
"panel=" parameter in the "aircraft.cfg" file.

Unzip Gauges to the main gauges file.
Reply "Y" to the "overwrite=yes" prompt if desired.
Many gauges have previous or older versions with the same name which you may wish to keep.

Unzip the Sound file to the MAIN FS9 sound file (*not to the aircraft/sound file)

The ICONS have been set to:
Throttle icon invokes the yoke.
GPS is for GPS
Radio Stack is a 2nd radio stack for using Nav-2
Compass icon invokes the Passenger infomation message screen.