0=&Cover, Aircraft Checklist Messerschmitt Bf 109G
1=&Takeoff, Takeoff Checklist
2=C&ruise, Cruise Checklist
3=&Descent, Descent Checklist
4=&Landing, Landing Checklist
5=&NDB-1-, Radiofari
6=&NDB-2-, Radiofari NDB Aeroporti
7=&NDB-3-, NDB Aeroporti
8=&NDB-4-, NDB Aeroporti
0=Note - press shift+C to cycle the following checklists:
1=1. Takeoff
2=2. Cruise
3=3. Descent
4=4. Landing
5=5. NDB-1-
6=6. NDB-2-
7=7. NDB-3-
8=8. NDB-4-

0=To start engine - press the "E" key.
1=Check flight controls.
2=Smoothly increase throttle.
3=Hold tail down until sufficient speed (105-110km/h) is attained, then raise tail slowly.
4=At about 152-160km/h, ease back on the stick.
5=Gradually adjust pitch attitude to climb at 250km/h.
6=Retract the landing gear.

0=Establish level flight.
1=Power setting for cruise at 6.500m, 2300rpm - 1.28 ATA = 425-430km/h.
2=Adjust elevator trim (Num Pad 7 = nose down, Num Pad 1 = nose up).

0=Reduce power to maintain glide speed of approximately 213km/h.
1=Relax pressure on the controls and the airplane will descend.
2=To level off, increase power to original cruise setting.

0=Reduce power to maintain glide speed of approximately 213km/h.
1=Lower gear below 249km/h and flaps as needed.
2=Adjust power settings for 200-213km/h final approach.
3=Over runway (160-165km/h), establish slight nose-up attitude. Reduce throttle to idle.

0=OP-1-550 *Aosta N45 45.0 E007 20.0  2189
1=RP-2-570 *BargeN44 44.0 E007 20.0  1969
2=OU-33 555 *Bariano N45 32.0 E009 43.0   443
3=RU-35 575 *Borgotaro N44 29.0 E009 45.0  1634
4=PC-58 565 *Bovolone N45 15.0 E011 07.0   102
5=MA-37 540 *Cividate N45 57.0 E010 17.0  1303
6=SU-36 580 *Langhirano N44 38.0 E010 16.0   935

0=PS-26 560 *Lonate P. N45 36.0 E008 45.0   686
1=NH-92 545 *Merna N45 55.0 E013 37.0   240
2=RE-76 530 *Pontola N44 55.0 E012 03.0    59
3=OH-95 535 *Portorose N45 28.0 E013 37.0   118
4=KB-52 525 *Sluderno N46 40.0 E010 35.0  3412
5=AIR 235 Airasca-TorinoN45 00.98 E007 33.45  866
6=AVI 390 Aviano N45 58.61 E012 29.18  164

0=GHE 350 Ghedi N45 24.00 E010 18.00 300
1=MAL 364 Malpensa-Milano N45 38.62 E008 44.60  784
2=BRS 225 Milano-Br.so N45 32.84 E009 10.32  480
3=OSP 260 Osoppo N46 06.65 E013 12.68  469
4=POL 250 Pola N44 51.11 E013 51.30  94
5=RAV 240 Ravenna N44 24.18 E012 17.15  68
6=REM 255 Reggio-Em. N44 44.51 E010 33.66  158

0=SRZ 245 Sarzana N44 05.52 E009 59.68  89
1=TRE 301 Treviso VE N45 35.04	E012 16.45  91
2=VIC 285 Vicenza N45 35.25 E011 34.52  1154
3=VIL 355 VillafrancaVR N45 24.50 E010 50.33  300
4=VDA 230 Villanova d'A.N44 04.51 E008 13.41  56