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Antonov An124-4 Mini-review


Flight Simulator Version: FS2004

Authors: Model By Thomas Ruth, Fde By Thomas Ruth And Alex Kvitta

WOW! This is BY FAR the most AMAZING download I have ever flown! If you find it, GET IT! You see the pic, but you haven?t seen nothing ?till you fly this beauty. If anyone is lucky enough, tell the author that I admire his work, and to keep up the great work! This aircraft features full-moving parts, cool panel, not-bad sounds, and a cool front swing-thingy! Hehe.

Overall rating: 9/10

Download link & information:

Review by A. Bestic, a.k.a. "tigerfish7"
Junior Editor

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Added: November 12th 2003
Hits: 39676


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