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e-Dimensional TrackIR

The trackIR functions as a replacement for your mouse. Tilting your head upwards moves the mouse cursor upwards, rotating your head left makes it move left, and so on. The unit consists of a Webcam sized infra-red camera that sits on top of your monitor and the user attaches a reflective dot approximately 5mm wide with a sticky backing to their forehead. There are 40 of these dots included in the box, which should last you over a year, and replacements are available for pittance.

The speed at which the cursor moves is fully configurable, and has several different modes of operation. We fired up FS2002 as this game has a full virtual cockpit which means you can pan your pilot’s view around the cockpit with your keyboard, and the included software had a special interface for FS2002 virtual copckit keyboard view settings.

After some time of playing with the settings, i had the device working without problems. The result was the closest thing to a true VR experience i’ve ever had on the PC and using it combined with E-D Glasses its amazing. Tracking AI Aircraft became extremely simple and intuitive; the need to use the games view keys became obsolete.

When it comes to simulations that feature a virtual cockpit, the trackIR is the ultimate view control system; both effective and simple to use with the added bonus of a very reasonable asking price.


IR tracking unit, 40 reflective dots, 4ft USB extension cable, monitor mount.

Added: July 6th 2002
Hits: 38609


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