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> FreeStyle > Splash screen

FreeStyle Splash screen

- [800 x 600 jpg]
Gotta thank Exx first for this one. Not good but i changed it and it is less boring than the original. check forums for info on how to use this. edges bad as always. don't expect new splashscreens from me, i just wanted to be first. enjoy while you can, i expect new and better ones from real masters like boeingman, ardie, perhaps even exx etc. - Photo 8285
Gotta thank Exx first for this one. Not good but i changed it and it is less boring than the original. check forums for info on how to use this. edges bad as always. don't expect new splashscreens from me, i just wanted to be first. enjoy while you can, i expect new and better ones from real masters like boeingman, ardie, perhaps even exx etc.
Submitted by : Mythrilfan
Added : May 23 2005
Hits : 3267
Splash screen rating 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews