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fs2004 sep03 contest WTC

- [800 x 600 jpg]
FS2002...Two Years ago two planes crashed into the twin towers of WTC killing almost 3000 n i think i speak for the rest off the slim flyers in the world our hearts are the all the pilots, fireman, police n ordinary ppl who died in the WTC n the pentagon so plz write something....
 - Photo 3440
FS2002...Two Years ago two planes crashed into the twin towers of WTC killing almost 3000 n i think i speak for the rest off the slim flyers in the world our hearts are the all the pilots, fireman, police n ordinary ppl who died in the WTC n the pentagon so plz write something....
Submitted by : KiK00
Added : Sep 11 2003
Hits : 4154
WTC rating 7.43 of 10 over a total of 7 reviews