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FS2002 - Additional scheduled airline flightplans and aircraft textures for ScotAI11.zip. For use with the commercial ScotFlight scenery by Iain Gallacher, Iain Murray and VisualFlight (www.Scotflight.co.uk), or the default scenery if you like.

Flyglobespan.com is a new airline which will commence flights from Prestwick, Glasgow and Edinburgh to, Nice, Palma, Barcelona, Rome and Malaga, as of April 2nd 2003.

By David (The Fid) Fidler and Symon Long - April 17, 2003

Package includes, full flightplans and 2 sets of aircraft textures by Symon Long for the Project AI B737-300.

Aircrfat model is available from:


Or, you can use the excellent AI Aardvark B737-300 and Symon's other textures (also included in aia_737_300_Globespan.zip)

These are EX Iceland Air B737-300's registrations TF-ELR and TF-ELC. There is a third a/c used on the Glasgow EGPF routes, which is based in Palma but, I haven't got the reg for it yet so, use one of the other two for it.


1. Unzip into a temporary folder.

2. Open the zipfile "Textures.Flyglobespan.zip" or "aia_737_300_Globespan.zip" and follow Symon's instructions that are in there.

3. Open the file "Flightplans_Flyglobespan.txt"

4. For each flightplan, insert the number of each plane you want to use (e.g. AC#179), replacing the ? (question mark).

**NOTE: The AI Aardvark textures don't have a registration mark on them so, use the same aircraft # for each.

5. Copy the entire contents (including headers) of the file "Flightplans_Flyglobespan.txt" into your "flightplans.txt" file, using Traffic Tools by Lee Swordy (TTools133.zip)

6. Re-compile your traffic.bgl file using "compile.exe" of TTools.

WARNING - DO NOT DECOMPILE afterwards. This will change the flight times in the flightplans, each time you do it. Always keep a clean master copy of your "flightplans.txt" file as a backup.

7. OPTIONAL: Import the file "Globespan.vcpmod" using EditVoice V2.0. This will give you the callsign "Globe" for ATC to use.


Special thanks to Symon Long for bringing this airline to my attention and for painting both of the aircraft - nice job!
Thanks to the ScotFlight team for their excellent scenery package.
Lee Swordy for Traffic Tools.
Lars Møllebjerg for EditVoice (editvoicepack20.zip).
David Rawlins and the AI Aardvark team for allowing the B737-300 to be included.

David (The Fid) Fidler
Toronto, Canada

Symon Long