FS2004 - photoreal Panel Lockheed L-1011 Tristar with full internal views
incl. 2 wingviews for the Tristars of Charles Dayhuff (l1011.zip) and Ray Lopez (ADSL1011.zip)
with optical adapted VC-Panel for the Ray Lopez aircraft
made by Horst Paetzold

Important!! You need concorde-gauges.

You can use the panel for any other Tristar, but without wingviews.

Installation: Unzip panel.zip into the panel folder of your desired aircraft (make backup before)

Unzip gauges.zip into FS9/gauges-folder

Unzip sounds.zip into FS9/sound.folder

If you use Ray Lopez Tristar, unzip as a second step Ray_Lopez_panel.zip into the panel folder
and overwrite the panel.cfg (you must first have installed my panel).In the virtual cockpit mode
you see only the forward-view and a rearward-view, but you have additional wingviews.

In Ray Lopez aircraft.cfg under section "Autopilot" 2 entries should read as follows:



For all aircraft.cfg's the entries under "RADIOS" should read as follows:

// Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Com.1=1, 0, 0
Com.2=0, 0, 0
Nav.1=1, 0, 1
Nav.2=1, 0, 0

There is a picture "Autopilot" to show the arrangement of the switches.

What is from me: Nothing but all bitmaps, the panel arrangement and some repainted gauges.

Credit therefore goes to all gauge-developers

Good flights to all of you !

Horst Paetzold
