---+++@@@ Replacement Taxiway Markings for FS2004 @@@+++---

This program will replace the (very unrealistic in my opinion!) default taxiway markings with new "black edged" takiway markings, as is more normal with real world airports.

Installation instructions:

1. Run the "taxi_setup" program by double clicking on the icon.

2. Run Flight sim 2004... That's it!


You may want to back up the existing taxiway marking textures in case you do not like the new ones. To do this, simply make a copy of the file named "taxiway_marks.bmp" which is in the "C:\program files\microsoft games\flight simulator 9\texture\" folder. Copy it to a backup folder anywhere on the hard drive and if you want to restore the original look, simply copy this backup back to the folder above.

As this is my first attempt at a FS2004 upgrade, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail rob@2crazypeople.com.

Also, for anybody who has the excellent VFR photographic scenery for the UK, I am working on scenery upgrades to add geographically correct autogen scenery to the landscape. I have 2 areas complete so far and these can be downloaded from my website www.2crazypeople.com/fs2004.htm
