Default Boeing 777-200 Panel Enhancements
By Andrew Briggs

Last Update:

2nd April 2003


100% Default Gauges

Alterations to the default panel BMP to provide an extended overhead.

Added second MFD so that both the Navigation and either engine displays can be read at the same time.
(Important for ILS Approaches)

Added all of the Radios to the main channel for quick tuning without other windows.

Improved viewpoint for easier and more realistic Taxi, Takeoff and Landing.


None - Because the panel was made completely from Microsoft Default gauges and the panel BMP.
(So I guess a quick thankyou to Microsoft for the originals)

I used CFGedit for some of the initial design and NotePad for fine tuning.


Simply unzip to the Panel folder of your 777-200, or other aircraft you wish to use this panel with.
(Panel folder can be found in "FS2002/Aircraft/b777-200/Panel")


I do not claim to hold the rights to any of the gauges or the original panel BMP.
If you do re-use my modified BMP all that I ask is you give me credit in your readme file.
All Gauges are copyright Microsoft Corporation.