FS2002 1939 Waco Model "E"
The E series was the last of a long line of successful Waco biplanes. It was very luxurious and called the Aristocrat. The actual model designation depended on the engine and this is a SRE powered by a P&W 450 hp Wasp Jr. I created a Model E for FS98 with AF99 a few years ago; I thought it was time to redo it with FSDS2. I had the opportunity to ride the right hand seat of an SRE for a few short hops back in the early '80's. I always thought it was one of the best looking planes, rivaling the Beech Staggerwing. It was almost as fast as the Beech even with its fixed gear. The drawings I used indicated the "E's" left the factory with a hand wax job, so I gave this model a bit of a specular color "shine". (I don't think reflective textures look good except on a silver airplane.) The yellow and black scheme matches the 1939 factory paint job. The Nav lights are actuated by the "L" key.

INSTALLATION: Unzip the file WacoEv2.zip into a temporary folder. Copy the file Waco Model E into the aircraft folder of FS2002. Open the gauges folder and copy the contents into the Gauges folder of FS2002. Close everything and fire up FS2002. This plane should show under Waco as Waco E in the aircraft selection list.

PANEL: J. L. Stubbs developed a very nice looking Waco panel a few years back. I have included this panel which I modified to make room for a moving yoke gauge by Harold Scheidl. I modified the yoke gauge bitmap to show the Waco yoke that Mr. Stubbs had included with his panel.

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may modify it, repaint it, etc., upload to another website as long as it is not for profit. You need my written permission to use any of these files for commercial purposes; otherwise just give me credit for the original design. This airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if it causes problems.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson

Email: p.pandj@verizon.net