Ford Trimotor 5-AT-C gear and floatplane (5-AT-CS)

Versions July 2002

Full package, developed for fS2002 MS Flight Simulator.

The Ford Tri-Motor
The Ford "Tin Goose", created by the Ford Motor Co. at a time
when most aircraft were made of wood covered with fabric, was
the first all metal multi-engined airplane built in the USA.
The Ford Tri-Motor was originally developed and produced by
Bill Stout of Stout Air Lines, and was based on European
Fokker aircraft.
The Tri-Motor was composed of three models: the Stout 2-AT,
which Ford purchased and assimilated; the Ford-developed 4-AT,
epitomized by Admiral Byrd's "Floyd Bennett" plane and
Texaco 4-AT aircraft; and the Ford 5-AT which comprised the
majority of the 198 or so Tri-Motors which were produced.
The 5-AT characteristics, which distinguished it from the 4-AT,
included a different cockpit shape with glass on the top, a snub
nose vs. the pointed nose of the 4-AT and ring cowls on the outboard
engines. The Ford 5-AT-C was a improved 5-AT-B "De-Luxe Club Model"
with increased performance, cowlings and wheel pants options.
The 5-AT-CS was the Floatplane Version.

- FSDS models :5-AT-C (gears) and 5-AT-CS (floatplane)
- 1024 x 1024 textures
- Panel & gauges
- Virtual dynamic cockpit
- Wasp radial engine configuration
- Sound
- FS2002 lights
- moving parts and rolling wheels
- smoke
- Splash-screen

Open/close the doors with the spoiler key.

This project is released as freeware. You may modify it,
repaint it, etc., upload to another website as long as it is not for
profit. You need my written permission to use any of these files for
commercial purposes; otherwise a simple credit would be nice. This
plane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if it
causes problems.

Author: Pierino Primavesi

FSDS Radial engine: Dave Eckert

Basic sounds (great!): Trev Morson

Documentation: Mihai Andrei (Aero Clubul României)

Panel contributors: J.L.Stubbs, Aeroswine Research Corporation, Jorge Alsina

Visit the FS-Junkers factory:


Pierino Primavesi, July 2002

How to install the Ford Trimotor
Using Windows Explorer navigate to your FS folder. (The default location is
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Fs2002)

1st You will notice an 'aircraft' folder. This is where all the aircraft are
stored. Each aircraft is stored as a separate folder within the 'aircraft'
folder & each contain 4 sub folders Model, Panel, Sound & Texture as well
as other required files - the aircraft.cfg & air files.

Downloading & Unzipping
It is important to keep your files organised. For this reason it is recommended
you do the following:

Installation ( :

1) Create the Ford folders:



2) unpack and copy the content of the zip file into \fordatc
and \ford5atcS folders,

3) move the gauges-files *.gau into the ...\fs2002\Gauges folder,

4) move the smoke-file *.fx into the ...\fs2002\Effects folder.

5) (only if you want a new splash-screen) rename your original
dgsplash.bmp into ...\fs2002\Uires folder, move the new
dgsplash.bmp into the folder.

It's done!