* Parow military airfield 18th Naval Helicopter Squadron *


The airfield Parow is the one field of a row of military airfield sceneries, in particular of the helicopter places of the former NVA. In the scenery are included the airfield and the technical supplies.
The airfield was put into operation in 1960. He accommodated the 18th Naval Helicopter Squadron with 3 wings . Helicopters of the type Mi-4, MI-8S, MI-8T, MI-8TB and MI-14 were in duty till 1990.


1. unzip the file "mhg-18_parow.zip" into a folder of your choice
2. copy the folder "mhg_18_parow" into the Addon-Scenerie-folder of the FS9
3. register the scenery
4. unzip all bgl-files from the file "trees.zip" into the folder fs9/scenery/generic/scenery
5. unzip all bmp-files from the file "trees.zip" into the folder FS9/Texture

make a backup files from your original files!!

we recommend the use of Mesh and Landclass from "projekt landscape germany".
(Freeware, http://www.germany-vfr.de/Landscape)


Autoren: Volker Löw, Rolf-Uwe Hochmuth
wood and treeplanter: Garrisch Gray und George Davison


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Happy landings

Volker Löw

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