Beechcraft Bonanza A35 Panel for FS2004

Based on a first-generation V-tail Bonanza panel, this panel uses only fs2004 default gauges. It is not accurate, but I hope it conveys the "feel" of a late 1940's panel. It was designed specifically with John Recker's 1947 Bonanza in mind, but it should be usable with any early Beechcraft single.

To install, simply copy the extract the zip file into the panel folder of the aircraft you want to use it with. If you want to use it with John's Bonanza, rename the 'panel.cfg' file to something like 'panel.bak', and rename the 'panel.vc' file to 'panel.cfg'. This will allow you to use the virtual cockpit view.

Comments and criticisms are welcome. You are welcome to use the panel bitmap for other panels, or to modify it as you see fit, provided that you credit me as the original designer.

Michael Black