

Just copy the above section overwriting your existing lines for the [GROUND_ROLL] paragraph of your desired airplane. Copy the runways.wav into your root FS9 sound directory. You're now ready to hear the greatest and most realistc runway rumbling ever. Airliner cockpits are loud, clanky and rattly. Runways can be rough and vibrations are numerous, even creating a really loud rattle in new modern cockpits. So far, flightsimming has never offered a truly great ground rumble.

After years of research watching airliner videos, flying real airplanes into and out of big airports where runways are filled with sounds from the centerline lighting, bumps, and pavement gaps - I have perfected the ground roll sound.

I find this one so bold, clean and clear, that nothing else compares. I have tried them all... ones with freeware and payware aircraft. I am sure you'll agree. This sound file was a creation of mine using selected sound files from the Microsoft Train Sim program, mashed together into one great file. For some reason, sound files recorded from real airplanes came out in the cockpit as dull, and too quiet. The Train Sim files are bold, hearty and loud. I'm sure you'll agree how awesome this ground rolling is - enjoy and let me know what you think.

NOTE: On a 512 meg machine, this sound file will pause a second to load. On my 1 GIG machine I now have, there is never any pauses to load this sound upon touchdown. I suggest it only for 1 GIG+ machines.

Peter James