Qualicum Beach Airport (CAT4) FS2002 Scenery by Ken Peters
Version 1.0

This package adds detailed airport scenery to Qualicum Beach airport and French Creek marina on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Included are accurate renderings of almost all buildings on the airport, cars and ground objects, and detailed ground/taxiway layout.

Recommended scenery
This scenery is designed to work well with Harvey Janszen's East Vancouver Island coast line and land class scenery (evi02.zip), and with the free Vancouver Island 38 M mesh by FSGenesis (http://www.fsgenesis.com).


Extract the contents of this archive any folder. Make sure the subdirectories are perserved.

Automatic installation (recomended):
Run the enclosed Setup.exe file. Make sure you select your main FS2002 folder.

Manual installation:
Copy the Addon scenery folder in this archive to your main FS2002 directory.
Start FS2002 and add the CAT4 - Qualicum Beach folder to your scenery library.


This scenery was created using the following software:
Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) 2.4 by Ababus Publishing
Flight Simulator Scenery Creator (FSSC) 1.5 by Derek Leung

Car macros by Harald Kraft

Special thanks to Dave Laycock and Lars Hoyer for their bug reports during beta testing.


All original files in this archive are ©2002 by Ken Peters. Textures and scenery files created by others noted above are copyrighted by their respective authors. Redistribution of this file without this copyright notice is a violation of the law, and will be taken seriously. This file may be uploaded to any Flight Simulator web site provided that no charge is made for access to this file, and provided that the archive is distributed as is, without modification.

Comments, questions and bug reports should be directed to Ken Peters - kwpeters@telus.net

For more great Vancouver Island scenery, please visit our VA, Vancouver Island Virtual Airline (ViVa)