CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 PB2Y Transport
FSDSv2 model, xxx.air, textures, xxx.dp, panels
by Jim Jacobson: Released as freeware-April 2007.

Transport Version of PB2Y

Aircraft Installation:

1. Unzip the pb2ytran to a temporary folder.

2. Copy and paste the \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft\PB2Y_Coronado_Trans folder to your
\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft folder.

3. Copy and paste the contents of \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Gauges folder to your
C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Gauge folder. CFS2 users dont over write the default
gauges ... those are included for FS2000 users. Just say No to overwrite.

Note: DAP... gauge is for a belly landing in water

4. Copy and paste the contents of \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Effects and Textures folder to your
C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Effects and Texutres folder. Note this is specifically for the Belley
Landing wake effect for the PB2Y (Thanks again to B24 Guy at Sim-outhouse and DAP for showing me how to do this.)

Note: Textures will work on orignal PB2Y_Coronado

Flight Operation

1. Bomb bay doors open with the use of the Tail Hook Key (shift+H)

2. Use Spoiler to slow your speed D Key

2A. Pontoons come down and go back up with the use of the Wing Fold Key (Shift+W)
Note: you can't take off with out the Pontoons Up.

3. Plane will land on water but won't take off again. Gear must be up to keep from sinking???

3a. Power Boost comes with use of the W Key

CFS2 users need to download Jim Jacobson's Depth charge Mod.

Any request for paint schemes of modifications can be sent to my email address above.

I couldn't get the PB2Y to take off from water without a boost in engine size. Any suggestions of
more realistic aerodynamics and flight characterists would also be appreciated.

Thats it... have fun.....