FS98 Aircraft

February 1, 2003
Repainted to depict "Columbia" and dedicated to the courageous Astronauts of the American space program.




Excerpts from origonal ov-103.zip by Deane Baunton:::

Aircraft design & artwork by Deane Baunton 1998

************************* THE FLIGHT SIMULATOR AIRCRAFT **************************


This model required several hundred hours of work (including panel) and used nearly
every trick in the book to accurately model with minimal bleed. The texturing around
the rear fuse and engines was particularly difficult. The model uses all the
textures available (10) as well as almost all the FSFS parts (539 of 540).


The flight dynamics of this model were difficult. I have modelled the Space Shuttle
with max power avalaible in Flight sim (400,00 lbs thrust total) to enable top speed
and fast climb.

There is no way to accurately portray a space vehicle in MS Flightsim. The real
shuttle glides like a proverbial "brick" with no power . This model enables you to
experience powered flight and the ability to "go around" on landing!

Takeoff: apply full power and pull back on stick. Rate of climb is large. Take off
distance is very short.

Flight: Microsoft Flight simulator is not designed to model High speed and high altitude
flight. Therefore the model is limited in it's flight regime. Flying higher
than 90,000 ft at speeds approaching Mach 3 will result in uncontrollble and
unrecoverable flight. Plenty of trim is required to keep the shuttle level.

Landing: This model does not accurately replicate the steep descent profile of the real
Orbiter. However use of the Speedbrake "/" key will provide extra drag as

Landing speed is approx 200 Knots. Ensure that the rate of descent is not too
great on touchdown. Also remember there is no reverse thrust!

******************************** INSTALLATION *************************************

FS98: Unzip Fs98.zip
Place OV-103 folder and it's contents into your FS98/aircraft folder
Unzip Gauges.zip and place all *.gau files into your FS98/gauges folder

I also recommend kscv2.zip Kennedy Space Center Scenery by Dan Geis and
edw-v09.zip Edwards AFB Scenery by Marcel Ritzema

Both these scenery add on files are excellent for adding realism to your shuttle
flights and are available from www.SurClaro

******************************* LEGAL DISCLAIMER ***********************************

All use of this aircraft and its related files is at the user's own risk. This
includes any hardware or software problems that you imagine are related to the
installation of these files.

This aircraft was designed for FUN and the use and enjoyment of fellow flight
simulator enthusiasts. It may NOT be sold or distributed on disk or CD. I reserve ALL
rights to this file, but give permission to have it uploaded to any BBS that doesn't
charge for individual downloads and the original package has not been changed in any
way. It may also be freely uploaded to the NET or any other services, under all those
same conditions.

You cannot make money with this.

*************************************** CREDITS **************************************

Thanks to

HGHB Virtual Instruments (Harald Geier & Helmut Busch , Hof , Germany ) for
allowing me modify and use their HSI gauge.

Ernie Kennedy for the Exellent tape (engine) gauges.

Chuck Dome for his gauge to BMP utility.

********************************* ABOUT THE AUTHOR *********************************

You can E mail me deaneb@ihug.co.nz

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Please inform author before re-painting this aircraft.



212NZ98.zip / 212NZv1.zip Bell 212 in Helicopters New Zealand scheme FS5/FS98
Bell205.zip Bell UH-1H Iroquois, civil generic scheme FS5
212pan.zip Panel and sound for Bell 212 or similar helicopter FS98
Airtruk.zip Transavia Airtruk agricultural aircraft FS5
CrescoV1.zip PAC Cresco 750 Turboprop agricultural aircraft FS5
FU24-dlq.zip Aerospace Fletcher ag aircraft (Rural AS colours) FS5
FU24-euh.zip Aerospace Fletcher ag aircraft (Fieldair colours) FS5
OV-103.zip Space Shuttle "Discovery" (both FS5 & FS98 files) FS5/FS98


TA4knz98.zip / TA4knzv1.zip McDonnell Douglas TA-4k Skhawk (RNZAF) FS5/FS98
A4knz98.zip / A4knzv1.zip McDonnell Douglas A-4k Skhawk (RNZAF) FS5/FS98
Hueynz98.zip / Hueynzv1.zip Bell UH-1H Iroquois, Royal new Zealand Airforce. FS5/FS98
Hueyfix.zip Contains missing gauge for panel in Hueynz98.zip FS98
Hueypan.zip Panel and sound for Iroquois or similar helicopter FS98
Ct4bnzV4.zip Aerospace CT/4B Airtrainer (RNZAF) FS5

NOTE: (1) All FS5 aircraft convert to FS95 and FS98 using Microsoft converter.
(2) Use FS98 versions where possible.