fs2002 autogen tree replacement textures. Uploaded exclusively to fsfreeware. Brought to you by Polar Air Cargo.

Reworked the defaults incorporting both my own textures and those of gerrish gray, the very talented designer, who to date, has brought us the best trees available in flight simulation. Also Martin Wright who makes flight simulation design possible.

Make back ups of the original textures with the same name as those included if you would like. copy the file named main fs2002 texture folder into your main 2002 texture folder. I wanted to upload these to fsfreeware.com to show my support for it--I mean no popups, no all nodes busy, and ten times the download speed. Why does anyone go anywhere else?

Marshall UPS724


info for designers: I saved these as the format 444 instead of DXT3s. Drastic increase in performance.