FS98/2000 Midstates Airways Cessna 208 Caravan. All files included. See ORIGINAL README for more details about this aircraft.

Midstates Airways started in 2001 as a charter service using Cessna 208 Caravans, DC-3s, DC8s, DC9s, and the De Havilian Beaver. Routes are flown in the midwest sates from our base in Kansas City Missouri (KMCI). We also plan on having a satillite base in Cheyenne Wyoming in the future to serve the northwest. Visit our website at www.homestead.com/virtualairmidwest/home.html
Copyright and Legal Stuff:

This file is Freeware and cannot be sold for any form of currency. All files copyright of Graham Oxtoby execpt Midstates Airways texture files which is both copyrighted by me and Graham Oxtoby. The texture files are used with permission from orignal author of this file, Graham Oxtoby.

Contact me at:
Austin Seely

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