LTBA2001 (Version 2) - Freeware Scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

This is the full version of Atatürk International Airport - Istanbul (formerly Yesilkoy)
Main hub of Turkish Airlines.


Just unzip the LTBA2001v2 ZIP and put the Atatürk folder in FS2000 scenery directory.
Add it to FS. Thats it.

Nav Aids
36 111.30
24 111.90
06 110.30
18 111.10

NDB 396
VOR 112.50 (IST)

Important Notice
Scenery is very detailed so adjust your display settings betweeen Normal and Very Dense
according to yr machine.


Airport v260 - P.Meziat/T.Hiscox/B.MCWilliams
SCASM 2.46 - Manfred Moldenhauer
Arno Gerretsen
Christian Friederich
Allen Cremen
Paul Roberts

Special thanks to:
Arno Gerretsen for his great support to my every question.
Hakan Guven for his efforts to keep Flight Sim up-to-date for all of us in Turkey

Ferdi Vefa -