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The original design and source files for this product are the Intellectual property of Pegasus Aviation. All contents of this file are copyright to Pegasus Aviation Design

No part or element of this file is available for any commercial purpose, including pay per access websites. In particular, no part or element of this file is to be uploaded to Compuserve or similar sites requiring payment for access under any circumstances

If uploaded to freeware sites this aircraft file must always be Complete with all parts/elements including text files, as originally distributed by Pegasus Aviation Design and carry full credit for the Author(s). Any conversion, repainting, repackaging or editing of the files is totally forbidden without written consent by Pegasus Aviation Design.

You may use the file for your own download site only on the above Conditions and with full credit to the author(s) of the files as named in the accompanying documentation and Pegasus Aviation Design

Thank you for reading and complying with the conditions set out in this notice

WEB SITE: http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/pegav
EMAIL: pegav@flightsimnetwork.com
AUTHOR: VaderTeuton@aol.com