Traffic changer is a tool to simplify AI for FS2004. The user can seamlessly handle text plans, compile BGL files (using TTools) and place the final plans into FS9 using a "group" concept. This is ideal for managing fleets of AI aircraft or for users wanting to easily change AI traffic at a single airport. Written by an avid AI lover and professional software engineer taking 7 weeks, this does alot and actually works ... users have commented that they wonder why something like this was not written before. Finally take control of AI with traffic changer. Freeware, complete installer with no registry entries and extensive documentation. Requires VB5 runtimes. Approx. 1.1 Meg in size.

Traffic changer 2 is a major update for traffic changer that significantly improves the user interface, allows the program to work under Win95/98/NT4, better file management, some bug fixes and more complete documentation.

Install fresh or on top of existing traffic changer, your existing configuration settings and any text flight plans, groups and BGL files will remain intact.

Enjoy !!
